Mon July 8, 2019

Drawing muscled women, that still look appealing to the average male viewer is subjective territory. I initially drew thicker women, based on girlfriends. There are a variety of nuances to width, height that can be explored and estimated. Waist to hip ratio. Breasts that don’t eclipse the entire rib cage, Some combinations are less appealing than others – there is no fixed rule.
Generally, in the eye of the beholder, and reflecting the viewer’s personal muscularity and experience. Younger viewers, prefer younger, slimmer, relatively under developed physiques. When I was distance running, I preferred lean girls with abs. Hard core strength athletes, prefer more muscular physiques. When I powerlifted, I preferred women who could leg press over 400 lbs. But preferences among these demographics change, as the particular direction the individual is taking. At an apex of muscularity, the female counter part may appear monstrous to a viewer who isn’t; pushing and pulling vehicles, doing gymnastics, olympic lifts, par kour and iron hand ( gung-fu: striking with fingers bags of steel bb’s, and drinking raw milk, to prevent bone fractures, when training with the top student, who has been hitting tree trunks with forearms for a decade) . Eventually, I covered most of the range of physiques. Lastly, the stereo typical comicbook heroine, and thin model; emphasizing muscular definition and tone – not necessarily bulk; or realism.
Rather than have all the females, monstrously muscled amazons, I could have a handful, and one who has a special ability, through an artifact, to transform, into one, but otherwise, include a variety physiques; as well as mainstream proportions with general appeal.