Sun June 9 2019
Composition Book
Drawing Pad
1.Image provided by writer (study) 2. Image I chose ( study: Diana Garcia De Soto) 3. Image I chose (study: Darlanne Fluegel) 4. This was intended as a study of Garcia Lopez style Batgirl – it is efficient to study ‘as is’; so the physique has the ‘Batgirl costume, and shading; but the original comicbook style face wasn’t spectacular ((in my opinion) so I went ahead and redraw the face; I systematically composite ; so I had planned to draw it again with the ‘writer’s comic design’ costume. These are stages in the concept drawing process; in this way, I can use ‘#4’ as a template for other characters.
[Suathra is Featured in scripts for upcoming Congo Jongo storylines – and in the queue for concept art upgrade. ]