Two of the latest pages for a team I am doing art for; they plan to submit to major publishers, then others – or self publish (if necessary) to get their book out. I like their dedication. Working from the script made by two writers is a gift. Since I am preparing to make a finished script from the stories I have.
I offered to do the pencil/inks and grey tones for the 6 pages they need for submission. It will be interesting to see if the book gets picked up. The panels I made are useful for dialogue, for LuridMax comics. And a unique opportunity to have editors look at my work. I am definitely motivated to do my best, and this will enhance all the comicbooks I do for Luridmax brand titles.

I have the 6th page planned, – would have done it today, but it was time for an update to the website; which generally takes 4 – 6 hours. I build the site as ideas occur to me, and need arises. With reliable normal speed internet expected after next week, I will have more time in the studio, and greater efficiency developing the pages.
It’s really cool to have an audience, so, my art has some value beyond just creating whatever I feel like. I can sense the illusory pressure to ‘keep up’ with the attention spans of the perceived audience, but it’s from lack of pressure, that the best, freshest work stems ( in my opinion, and experience). The mainstream work I am doing now, might result in me doing the rest of the issue, and subsequent issues; but it doesn’t effect my time table for graphic novel release.
The graphic novels I have planned, were projected to take a certain amount of time, including the studies I have planned to do. I did most of the female specific studies, what remains, is the ‘mainstream’ aspects of comicbook art. Working with a team, on a mainstream book, is a great motivator to bring my best to these aspects – since editors, royalties, working for a major publisher are possible rewards. But I’m still going to develop the lurid pre-code horror comicbook, characters, stories and concept art. The mainstream experience, is a priceless opportunity, that just came one day, and I took it. I didn’t have to arrange a team, – a team came to me. My experience working on this project, will enhance my work on LuridMax brand comics, to the professional mainstream level I envisioned.