Words from the Creator
Latest Updates! Coming Soon:
Posted 12/13/2019Fri 12:34am
Weds Dec 11 2019 Updates; Tribute; Lore; Adaptation; Thanks-
Acquired a scanner yesterday, so I can make a quality post on location. (Plan to scan new work, and post later in week.) Currently, laying out simple video game concept – to match corresponding voice over. Original Character art and some intro comics, for actresses to have an idea how read parts.
I plan to set up new scanner tomorrow morning – A4 ( 8 x 11″ ) – I will see if I can download a copy of Clip Studio Ex, from Smith Micro from the PC I am using at a relatives; if not, the scans will still look better than photos: with MS paint I can connect pieces of scans ( 8 x 14″ , 11 x 17″ 14 x 17″); I plan to ink some pieces ( to show up bold); I have 3 colored pieces already; And 20 plus vintage comics to choose from for this week’s pack; Dec 1st; ).
I will send an email update when the pack is ready!
December will be an exciting month – of art development. I have been staying in a cold, less humid area of ‘southern’ country; creating new drawings; with alot of lore applied, and developed. I created the pencilling for a 10 page sequence, with potential for a full issue; and an ongoing series; because of the careful writing*.
*if, like in Wes Craven films (and others of the horror genre), most of the characters are killed off, what happens to continuity, and how do you build any kind of meaningful story with the characters? – Or do you sacrifice quality design, and make lots of derivatives, with minimal variation or detail, since they are going to be featured long?
By ‘careful writing’ I mean, I have included sci-fi, fantasy concepts, that allow the characters to appear again and again, and have recognizable personalities, and feature in a variety of on-going adventures, despite explicit lurid pre-code horror scenes; it wasn’t that complicated, to envision – but to apply, as a story context, to build a serious story around ( and not have the story totally serve the art) required some attention to minutia; writing of stories, required consideration of additional factors,( not involved in mainstream stories I have written)
I may stay another week – I am getting alot of quality writing and drawing done ( I made a stop at the local art store to get more Bristol board; because I have used 44 sheets since the trip began!).
I plan to make posts from the new content ( using my camera); and when I return, use the A3 scanner**.
** I know the photos come out less sharp ( especially for light pencillings)- I have colored some with prismacolor pencils, and outlined with a mechanical pencil. I will see how these show up. If it’s still very light and hard to see; I can get a set of microns from the local art store.
Honoring Legends
Story Telling
I have a passionate, personal story to tell, with rich characters, scores of women in their prime, situations that every man dreams of – by discipline, faith, and sheer fortitude, I was privy to; and having always wanted to be a writer, realized I had something novel; in the recent decade of experiences, which technically, were most prudent if kept confidential – yet were stories worth telling, more so than any I had before.
Thanks so much for supporting my subscribe star page, it means alot! I look forward to doing the best art I can to share with the kind subscribers whose generous contributions make this website possible!
Have a great Holiday!