Weds Mar 4 2020
Conan Exiles Mod # Extreme Exiles
The tail and blindfold were optional clothing, I tried it for like 1 minute; to see what it was- it wasn’t easy to remove the normal way, because it was a mod item, and didn’t show in the inventory the same way – I eventually read about how to remove it. The idea was to put them on thralls, for variation, but still figuring out – because thralls are dressed when you place them, but once you place them, you can’t pick them up. ( I found a mod that can; but still haven’t been able to dress them with current mod settings). Despite the duration, between the clips being posted, in-game, these are a few minutes between testing items – my first time playing Conan Exiles since I got back from my Road Trip.
What ultimately might be most efficient, is to open a 2nd steam account,, get conan exiles on my laptop, and screen record from my gaming PC, and play co-op with my laptop, and control the 2nd player, ( being able to control the entire anatomy, proportions directly – with thralls, its random: NPS’s appear with variaous proportions, and hair styles, clothes ect,.. ( with nude setting, they are all nude, but there is some lack of gore texture in the the headless body, – which doesn’t seem to be lacking in the male npc, or for the severed heads. Before the updates, the gore texture appeared for both the body and head – : I tried removing some mods, that add to the figure, but even with all standard, there seems to be lack of neck gore on the body. I might have to take all the mods off, and restart it, adding just one at a time; to see which one is causing it – and read in forums about it.
Conan Exiles Screen Shots