Words from the Creator
Tues April 21 2020 Updates; Tribute; Lore; Adaptation; Thanks
April 12, 2020 – (8:29pm) Scanned and resized/cropped in CSP, images for this week’s main studio art progress post ( Weekly Gallery April 2nd) (10:15pm). I can comment more another day – and add the interior photos later. Tonight I’ll try to post the studio artwork.
Coming Soon! –
Posting Tues / Sat , gives me the most amount of studio time; plan to post the interiors and remaining Composition layouts around Tues.
A 12 page comic sequence ( in composition book*)
* – if I don’t edit the text, it’s not so time consuming).
Terror Tales May 1969 – Interior photos! ( Worth taking a look at – I have no idea what the stories and art will feature, until I photograph them; the covers don’t have much to do with the stories – and there are 50 pages! ( more than two mainstream, 22 pg comics worth of story and art ). The quality is alot higher than I expected. I’m really impressed:
The comics ( art/story) inside this magazine ( 50 pg) really inspire me. 1. In the story with ‘Kolah’ ( an obvious ‘Rulah’ tribute), the art has what looks great about 1950’s GGA ( good girl art) – plus the qualities of the 1960’s fumetti, and inking developments – making it look even better ( in my opinion).
Embellished* –
* I may notes sections embellished ( posted in this week’s Gallery). *
This week I worked on detailing WIP ( so they will be ready to ink eventually). And directly on a supporting cast * , and useful anatomy ( foot, toes, calve, buttocks, pelvis, waist ).
* that I’ve been waiting to apply to other pieces for embellishing ( after about 4 hours, I work on something else; it’s tedious, and boring; but if I keep working on it; eventually, higher quality is achievable).
*It takes much more studio time, to detail pieces: than to draw the basic outline. ( ie. in the time it takes to detail skin tones on a 14 x 17″ , I can draw Four 19 x 24″ scenes – figure, supporting cast and background outline).
Honoring Legends
Although I appreciate what Dolcett’s work did well, I am not enthusiastic, a fan of, or interested in aspects of the theme, and characterization of people – whether satirical, or not; there are always those that don’t get the nuances, of hyperbole. And will take something 100% literal, and imitate it. For that reason, Dolcett, is not for the majority, and often viewed with ire by those outside of it. I disassociate from Dolcett, not because I can’t appreciate it for what it is, ( or in my opinion, seems to be), but because Dolcett was never a ‘universe’ that I saw as fully realized; wanted to return to, or sought out.
Story Telling
I love sci fi, more than lurid art, but to be an artist, at the prime of my abilities, and avoid lurid pre- code horror, ( while others flood the internet with guro/dolcett) – while Warner bros cashes in on the rarity, and caring what peers might think, seems cowardly – especially, if my fantasy, sci-fi stories as comic book art, might be the antidote, for others who searched for Reimaginations of Tarnsman of Gor, and instead found seas of amateur dolcett , guro – but minimal fantasy lurid pre code horror art – in the vein of conan, and sword and sorcery.
I look forward to the New Comic Book Schedule! And what’s to come from Lurid Max Studio. Thanks for your patronage, that brought us this far : and to exciting new Lurid Pre-Code Horror comics and illustrations.