Mar 28 2020
Commentary: I wanted to capture the natural light, by the time I set up ( an hour elapsed), at 9:36 am, the light had moved from my fixed location. I was pleased with: a) photographing the porcelain statue, from all angles* ( I have had the model for a year, and wanted to study it – and do a thorough photo set of it) b) the quality of the new camera.
Used two engineer lamps, and set canvases ( no reflection), in the backdrop; with bedsheets on the table. It took longer than I thought, and was like doing 8 hours of stand up yoga all day. Takes 1 hour to set up the photograph area ( all props, models, glass dust -free storage cube, extra furniture ), and 1 hour to put away.
Dissemination of photos: A) If I practice post -processing, I may indicate it B) I plan to look through the 700 plus images, and pick out some I want to study. C) I may photo the box, and related items. ( If I add anything significant, I can update at ‘ Coming soon’ or Weekly Word).