Mon June 1 2020
Early Access Studio
Photos (24MP)
19 ” x 24 ”
14 ” x 17 “
11 ” x 17 ”
11 ” x 14 “
Scans (1200 ppi)
19 ” x 24 ”
14 ” x 17 ”
11 ” x 17 ”
11 ” x 14 ”
Mon June 1 2020. – Got some good drawing done ( H pencil – can be either colored with pencil, or inked – then digitally) outdoors. Completed a physical task, that now gives me a week or more uninterrupted studio time. I processed 20 comics*
( watched the news about riots, protesters, and read comments for a couple hours- I had not been following it much since the road trip began in late Oct 2019. Lots of violence, concerns me for my family members who travel often, and have been lately. Definitely brings martial arts proficiency into meaningful aspect of daily activities, to spend time on, while organizing the many tasks; weapons of self defense ; and scenarios, with multiple attackers, armed, unarmed; and repercussions, on being caught on cell phone video, if appearing to pursue someone; even if they attacked, assaulted, harmed you first. And how various groups are spinning minutia, lies, or out of context excerpts, to promote their viewpoints, for political agendas).
ETA for working on a comic book type schedule – I’ve been processing the many deliveries, to get key comics interiors photographed before I store them in mylar. Once I get them in storage boxes, my studio will have space for the efficient inking, and coloring; sorting and stacking of many works in progress. I anticipate getting alot of fresh art done this month.
The comics are inspiration, and a source of form reference. I would like to have a gallery with the reference material, studies and redrawings side by side and labelled, eventually. The only reason to process*** some regularly ASAP, is because the comics from the 1950’s are perishable (especially in humid climate);
***I do physical labor from time to time, that leaves my arms less nimble than usual for about a half hour or so, weekly, – which is the best time to type, and not the best time to flip through and photograph panels; from these old comics, that once I tape in 4 mil mylar, is not convenient to get open again; pull out and look at. So, when I am most nimble, rested, and least sweaty from exertion, is the best time to process some of them**.
**( I am posting the 24 MP photos, so you can see what is taking up some of my studio time; which I can later scan, and post in the weekly vintage gallery – which was the purpose of ordering them; I got so many at once, because the best deals – quality, price and scarcity; come from estate auctions, and people selling the collections of others, who aren’t professional collectors themselves; these collections, tend to have hundreds of comics, at a third of the market price, for a fourth higher quality condition, for items that are often relatively scarce.
*( photo graphed some interiors, scanned covers – put in 4mil mylar; in preparation to study the cover – in toploader; seated at a drawing stool outdoors; for some key images I had planned).
ETA for colored pieces. I prioritize getting ideas ( new ideas- before I forget) down on paper, in pencil, then longstanding ( challenging, / key reference) studies ( so I can add to WIPs), then making sure I have content posted in a timely fashion – and recent family events ( that I intervene for improving it as much as I am able). When I have uninterrupted time, I prepare for coloring/ink (and look for any pencilled objects, that can be improved before adding ink and color). Or go back to a staggerred posting schedule*
*; so that I am not always feeling behind schedule, or posting less than before. In the staggerred posting, I limit each week to a certain quantity, and post many weeks in advance; unlocking each week ; allowing me to work at a pace, unconcerned about deadlines; and thus create the most detailed work I can ( which in addition to skill, requires ‘time’).
The Early Access New comic book schedule, was something, possible, with no significant studio interruptions. I anticipate more studio time* this month.
* ( now that several family events, holidays, celebrations, chores, are completed**).
**I recall the words of Joe Rubenstein: ” I get alot done, when I am drawing, but there is always something that needs to get done “( in the household). As a full time artist/creator, it seems, that any time I spend helping others, puts me in a position to do art in all the remaining time. So the chores are like free time, and the drawing, is the easy part, which I could easily do all day. Taking time to get significant chores done; cooking, exercising, studio efficiency ( arranging, sorting references, works in progress; periodically getting a new influx of comics and books to study from ) feels like time taken from my art.
What I might try to do, is plan for 1 week to not create new ideas, or supplemental content, and simply pick a piece * to ink/color. Then have 2 weeks spent on pencilling new compositions, redrawings; and one week preparing the supplemental content for months in advance***
* ( either an already scanned piece of ‘inked ‘ apocrypha, or a WIP that has most of the basic elements; I can always draw again to improve – though it takes up more time; approx 2 days. )
***( videos, video game animations, scripts, voice overs, – splicing; soundtracks) .
I am working through processing* the deliveries of comics – which ultimately enrich the project quality for the longterm- and can be used as content to support Lurid Pre-Code horror, on social media, such as Deviant Art ( the Pre-Code Horror Group).
* photographing, scanning, and storing ( in mylar, acid free fullbacks , 4 mil mylar, Micro chamber interleaving paper.
This creates a museum like archive of comics from present to the golden age, for me to study, and share with you – once they are all processed, my studio will be very efficiently arranged, so that I can work on pieces; and have quicker access to top quality references*.
* ( for expressions, poses, drawings, illus, art books, prints, videos, video game animations, scripts, audio, and visual novel).
Have a Great week!