Mar 15 2021 9:25pm
Performance: Easel vs Typing
( when I draw, I am holding an easel, on both thighs, to control the exact position of the board, and both arms are firmly pressing and adjusting the paper and pencil ( using the shoulders,- rather than just the wrist as I was taught in Art school ) – using paper incrementally larger, as the days of uninterrupted studio time progress each day. When doing a study, or redrawing – requiring looking at a reference; I am looking back and forth many times per minute, for hours. I will fatigue around 11pm. And I stop, and prepare to get up bright and early for another productive, and pleasant day drawing outdoor, in the fresh air, listening to movie, video game soundtracks, and classical music, ect.
Comparatively, when I write ( type on the PC, or laptop), I have no easel to support, or control, I have arms resting down, not having to move more than my fingers, and or wrists. The point is, I type, for hours, do not feel tired, and try to get my thoughts down. Then discover it is 4:25 am, and I have slow movement the next day, after sleeping to make the difference; any productivity begins late in the afternoon, and it is no longer comfortable to use the easel. So I type more, edit scripts, until my energy, muscles are ready again. And then it is 11 pm and time to stop for the day. Entire day, little to no drawing achieved.
Though, it is obviously wiser, to set an alarm, and simply stop typing an email reply, promptly at 10 :30pm. It is easy to forget the physical repercussions of staying up to complete what I am typing. Also, while I am typing, with my full concentration, on the words I am composing- hardly any presence of mind remains, to keep track of the actual time at the moment. And, I tend to try to reply ASAP, on general principle, to not be the lagging part preventing the best potential for any group effort.
Solution: Discipline- Pause/ Resume; multi-tasking.
Now that I am reminded of the consequences of staying up, I will more likely remember the importance of just stopping whatever I am doing, around 10pm. Because, existentially, having enthusiastic subscribers, that ask interesting questions, and appreciate feedback, is a good thing; and continuing replies, writing or feedback in progress, the next day, is a simple solution, worth implementing to facilitate it.
I am relatively new to juggling doing fine art commissions, creating stories and characters to make comics and video games out of – using social media, and answering emails, with an adult art (lurid pre code horror) subscription website, membership service; hiring artists, and actresses to draw my own characters, and using digital software to color reference images to base them on, while setting up a visual novel; while hosting a younger visiting relative, with an unpredictable schedule, related to certain choices on what influences metabolism, presence of mind, energy level and perspective; with the unique factors of a pandemic; and following the stock market, fluctuations, to fully fund top ( disney, pop song) actresses, at full broadcast rights, for the assets to make a visual novel, like none I have seen.
Thanks for your kind patronage, and interest. Stay safe.