May 19 2019
Ages: Platinum (1897-1938) Golden ( 1938 -1955) Silver ( 1956 – 1970 ) Bronze (1970 – 1985) Copper (1985 – 1991) Extreme ( 1992 – 1998) Movie (1998-present)
Panels that stand out worthy of study: Pg 39 5th panel. Pg 40: 1st panel 3rd panel scenes ( pn 2 and 6 , faces) Pg 38 pn 1, 3, 4, & 5. Pg 36 pn 4, 6, 7 . Pg 37 pn 1, 4, 5, & 6.
Notice how the pages typically have 7 panels. And how many different views of the female protagonist per page; she’s in practically every panel. I like the way the faces were drawn ( probably more than the angular cartoon trend; though if done with certain proportions, and key items of facial anatomy preserved, cartoon faces are a unique quality of line art)