8:18pm – so I up-loaded some of the images from folders, that were arranged in a way that made sense at the time; but later on are harder to find. I managed to get enough of the Dystopia related content to work on it from the tablet ( outside); I still need to to try the tablet, and see if the resolution is good for drawing from.
I would like to post the “Coming Soon ” for Aug, tonight ( or tomorrow). My main goal is to simply go to bed at a time, that allows me to get up early in the morning; and keep it up long enough, to do garden work, gung-fu training, and take the action cam to the park for /swamp / background reference material.
Currently, the best thing to do this evening, would be to set up a lamp or two on the porch, and create concept art based on recent ideas, and write down name ideas; for the rest of the evening until I get as many down as possible. Then, if there is time, still remaining, to take snapshots of the rest of The eyes of Laura Mars ( and /or to sort some images from there- and post them directly to The References database.) – And also some snapshots from Skyrim animations, and Night of the Sorcerors (possibly later)- and Mortal Kombat IX, X, XI. – and look over the day before list, and see what I can accomplish.