Mar 8 2020 – Using Audacity on Laptop Lenovo L340 Ideapad. Headphone line, aux cable ( male to male stereo ) .
( Lesson – mistake: had volume too loud on keyboard, for the line in, they still work: upon, paying close attention, it sounded like there might be some crackle. But so faint, as to be almost unnoticable. I had trouble for first hour, figuring out how to set the Sound. The external mic was on, and the line in went from unhearable ( too silent) to , so loud, it distorted ( like a speaker playing too loud for bass).
After plugging in the aux cable, ( using the converter – gold) , and pressing the keys, they don’t sound clear in real time. But the recorded segment, plays decently – after making a recording*
1st setting: Sound > Sound panel > external mic disabled> the mic level set to ( below 92: anything about 94 sounds audible static feedback: 91 , with the keyboard volume set at 3/4 of the turning knob.)
Level comparison: Coco’s voice only audible with the sound turned down on the keyboard recording ( so the 1/4 knob is adequate. At higher, ( the matched to vocal- nastasias) the website volume has to be turned down 3/4, for coco to sound properly audible.
So tomorrow I can make a full recording at 1/4. Another slightly lower volume Then another full slightly higher.
Then I can turn off keyboard. Later learn, and practice audacity splicing ( can splice trinaduehart, kovfiv, – and prepare bogarum’s, and starkyries script. ( when I have drinna written, for a saga: and the gormax, and nekki – and friends, and aria pande recorded – then audio for kim reiko, and trinaduehart, and something for each, and nyakyuu , if cast as? sjera? or gylhaden? – and coco as Amandine/ ? Maglynn/ Kymistiri/ – Then will have much less stress. And focus on art. When rendered ( studies) of key masters, and some comics, and logo, brand, and covers, and csp colored. ( can launch and increase income. ) Then can organize to have fully layed out comics for each brand. As the urriculum for a whole eyar or two – with separate brands, on social media – including the SFW. Then enjoying and doing the art ( for profit , to make it sustaniable and meaningful – by qaulity writing- a legacy). When cam ready, and 6th scale models ( then completed 1st year of new content) – then can simply post rest of videos ( process label remaining bandicam, ect) and do more reference material. The waulity of teh comics/ visual novel ( soundtracks, scritps and voiceovers, should be improved, and remarkable. Putting to use teh best of my gifts, to communicate across mediums and internet, – for income.
[ eventually, I should be able to upgrade: nt rode mic. yamaha keyboard, audio interface, heaphones, ( later new guitar) . – then get new supplies, and ? years worth of unlimited website domain. ? 2,000- 3,000. Acheivable. And in a position, as a mulittalented creator ( and precence, postiive ( touiching circle, like rogers) and able to have all talents, generate profit, and upgrade all technology, and eventually, ( new studio lights, and professional photagraphy, and mlive models? in mid, late forties, before 50, and possibly job with publishers, and my own content, self employed, and a positive website of portratis, ect,… and fivver voice overs. sFW NSFW. A productive life, illuminating,. sharing wisdom, in visual, audio, embellished content. Always leading people to a solution, and wisdom of love and kindnes,s health and strength. And postiive aspects.
Applications: for first recording. A) re record, map out composition. record 5 – 10 loopable repetitions. Then at metronome. Then with instrument variations. ( playing with dynamics of volume: not all full press). [ later can test piano keyboard recordings ]
Audio matches tone: Fits with the menu screen, dramatic cinematic ( the dirge at the end, fit with coco’s narrative ( variations: 300 wrd logline)
visual art : ideas: a pale night, leregoth, mansion, ( block, guillotine, painting: like hautned house, white, contrast, indogo, ( yellows in moon and highlights sparing ly; hilight block, white skeletons. dramatic, and flesh of woman in foreground :can draw concept art after dinner 1 hour, then detail ( probably best to do reference in early day ( and audio, vocal)
Coco’s audio, deliberate , high quality recording, crisp, – sounds great, with the dirge, and suspenseful keyboard. ( can test – after learning audacity splicing – the rolling , dropped, bouncing, ect papaya. ( to accompany the narrative)
AUX ( Keyboard) mic Sound Panel settings:
Upon playback on headphones, ( sounding quiet- compared to stereo: normally seems that way)- The headphones sound better on PC ( Klipsch, aV/R) **. So the headphones, sound fine on PC ( indicating any change in sound, is the laptop: which never sounded that great anyway)
II. I read about how to upgrade a sound card: for Laptop: it’s on the motherboard: so the only way, is to get an external USB. They are cheap, low as $10, quality at $20, and $40 – top, $90 -$150.
B. The Audio interface ( sweetwater, scarlet,…$109) does the same thing ( overrides the PC sound card, and allows for monitoring levels: so unless, getting a $20 budget usb sound card for laptop ( for present use: which isn’t necessary – I can make soundtrack ( as nostalgic PSR 510 style)- ***
** later I can read about audio interface ( sound cards, and Av/r, and klipsch)
*** after launching Zaydimar the Executioner: additional funds, can go for sound studio: 1. $109 Sweetwater audio interface ( professional) 2. Audio technica, or GPK ( $100, as low as $62 like new for GPK) (Professional headphones).
If the slight crackle bothers me in the present, and I am still over budget ( before next wave of scripts is acquired, and the recent purchases paid). I can get a Star tech, or the 1st on the list ( later can put links).
The $1000 Yamaha MX88 – 88 ( weighted keys )
(7:31 pm – new time – blue dark – cool – condensation: plan. finidh upload, turn off laptop ( charged: turn off, leave outside 15 minutes, then bring in side: leave for 15 minutes. ) – then
I can use pc, sit on floor, and set up the patreon, and insta gram – and read rebel cam instructions, on how to upload videos and photos ( or tomorrow).
8 to 11 pm ( today , I can draw from screen: the recent template: carenna, with nahule lopez 1 ( and draw 1 each day till complete a sequence ( minimal background: no supporting charcter ( develop individual costume later ( possibly Zydimar or otherwise) [ try to draw 2 hours, and work on upload rebel cam, patreon / da ( get all info related on a documents: and prepare the text from comp)
Tomorrow, can decide how to make a another set of mic/sound level (laptop) and keyboard volume. Then turn off keyboard. And then try recording riffs, at higher quality. ( can imitate : and write settings: ie: harpsicord, octave, channels, length. And try to record 5 – 9 repititions, ( enough to make any loop.
Stage 1. Riffs, replayed for ( 5 – 9 reps) – for loop material ( played with proper notes
Stage 2. with metronome, at time.
Stage 3 ( not necessarily in order) – add 1 addition track simultaneously.
( additional stages: adding tracks, replaying for note /melody quality.)
[ Comment: after reading about laptop sound replacement: it seems good that my sound card is 99% okay; and my headphones are fine.
I think the next 3 months will be very productive: and not require sound upgrades yet. ( once I determine a good level to record the keyboard: and test the sound on my pc ( as uploaded here). I can eventually trust the setting. And then I can play freely. DEveloping the compositions. ( generating the content for the renpy.
III. ( pick the papaya – ideally, tomorrow: I set up the yeti on the porch, and make a set of recordings for sound effects. Even 3 or 10 versions, would make amazing immersive quality for the renpy novel. ( 1. can set up the items, . 2. use old wood, and board, and maybe a homemade filter screen for the mic ( ie screen for porch) or an intact screen. Then /i can spend 3 hours or so testing special effects: pounding wood. hitting it, using chains, the small chains, and larger, metal hitting, utensils, can cut jujubes with cleaver, and papaya with larger slicer for sound effect ( 1st should drop it from 2 feet, onto towels ( starting with basket ( look for a wixker basket – or a tupper ware, or pan ( start with softest) – so when damaged, can finish the soundeffects: – . And can weigh the papaya: and later get a sturdy watermelon from walmart ( if I go out next month to the beach ( where I can set up the lap top and mic to get beach sounds )
Monologue for Shardanna: about the Wind and the seas
\idea: shardanna: ” people think of the beach, who aren’t there, seeing it in pictures, a blue, and sunny paradise, if they aren’t there on the shore, the wind, is something they don’t think of. The wind clears, refreshes, leaving the most resilient, only – as teh water erodes: the overwhelming scale, of the balckness of the raging seas, at night, awesome, and unstoppable, unfathomable, truly humbling, all are who they are, int eh face of it; no titles, or manufactured advantage, ( socially corroborated, ) technical or from resources, grant any man, or men, any leverage in changing its course; men who others bow before, must bow to it. The sea is the biggest one on the playground, and those who are wise,… learn to be its friend, and ride on it’s shoulders. The foolishly headstrong, dissappear within it’s vast gulf, and other stake heed – the enigmatic force of nature, that is teh antidote to all lonliness; as each wave reacts, to every creature that touches it. There is a relationship to every wave, splash, drop, and together, an endlessness, that leaves no doubt that there is far more than the corrupt politics, and society of man, to engage oneself with; and the sea, is un fixed, serves no master, and truth is all that comes from it. There is no one to lie to when the sea is your companion, and you see yourself, as you are, without others to shoulder blame, and justify your inactions, mediocrity, and resignations. As teh wind cuts through, your mind, finally is disarmed, and that which is important, vital, is clear, and at teh foremost. The wind, that drives the seas, is a gift that drives those standing on the shore, a force that can carry, lift them, to where they are called – a call from beyond, any man, or woman, or society or wealth; the song of the spirit of the voice, the call of the deepest sentience, – a communion with the greater awareness of all the teeming motes, beneath, the sea, a call that travels abreadst, the unseen depths, where the songs of the sea, come, – even those not able to reply, are affected by the call, feel it’s presence, and react to it. Those who can call the great intelligent creature of ages, dwelling beneath the sea: livyatan, can inspire it to move, even dance: each ripple, spreading across miles, building up, to waves, water spouts, lightining, storms, hurricanes, rain, drought. Those they call seasingers, can learn to raise nations, and destroy civilizations. The power is not of them, but evoked by them. To those like Thezrog and Suathra, who would ruled unchallenge, the seasingers are the most dangerous foes on earth. And ( as in Arleth, CAladria, and Raljun) they are willing to annihilate all the women of age, ( by beheading) to infest with the parasite Umbreed, leaving them a drone of Cuj Wikkoth, obedient to their handlers in Erydeth. ; Sorceress Suathra ( Mistress of teh Kings of undeath, and Thezrog ( Witchkillerhunter)