Fri Aug 21 2020
Early Access Studio
Photos (24MP)
19 ” x 24 ”
14 ” x 17 “
11 ” x 17 ”
11 ” x 14 “
Scans (1200 ppi)
19 ” x 24 ”
14 ” x 17 ”
Added Sat Aug 22 – 7:46pm
Posted Aug 21 , 2020 – 10:32pm
11 ” x 17 ”
1.a some detail ( and a logo idea for a series) 2. a some detail ( 2nd anatomy gore reference) 3. a piece from Apocrypha, tracing the original* (lightly pencilled) lines with mech pencil ( sort of like preliminary inking, with a mech pencil) 4. a physique variation – average muscle size 5., 6., concept for series, logos
*I want to approach this piece, by keeping original lines – then I can redraw on bristol board. ( 8 x 11″ copier paper, 20 years old, very fragile; trying to redraw, erase on the original, would probably be a loss).
1.a. I used some live 3-D references to aid in some details ; for the first time( like the main figures hands*, foreshortened; something that generally comes out looking 2-D, or awkward); a pewter figure ( Ral Partha) I’ve had since 1991 (from the annual fair, where I helped my dad work setting up his display as a representative from a government organization. ) for a background figure ( supporting cast/ background). The direction I would like to take the piece ( given time), a) detail, shade with H, HB, 3B pencils as a finished “grey ” piece. b) redraw first, as a simple 11 x 17″ to ink ( for color). c) redraw as a simple prismacolor piece ( ink outline). d) redraw as a prismacolor piece only e) redraw as a similar sized watercolor piece ( light washes) f) watercolor , dry wash ( detail) g) dry wash, ink outline. g) practice canvas ( acrylic) h) canvas panel ( from local store) i) Blick archival panel ( highest quality).
This will given me an idea of the various media ( refresher) – the content can be used in software, to make multiple combos ( ie, water color wash background, with acrylic main figure, prismacolor supporting cast; a b/w inked promo piece, tonal version, preview. ).
I can improve on aspects of the image – making variations, using improved references for face, figure ( supporting cast ); and use software to quickly make variations of expression ( this can also, make animated expression frames for an animated version of the scene: and variations of it**).
*Red Sonja: Scars of War: 6th scale- the gloves only.
**ie, the Skyrim animation, ( or conan exiles ) are essentially the same animated frames, with variations of “costume”, “physique proportions”, “background”, “Supporting cast” and 3-d perspective. Aside from the 3-d perspective ( which is accomplished by the game engine), the other elements are simple to visualize as “layers” that can be added with software; using original art work templates.
11 ” x 14 ”
Have a Great week!