Sunday Sept 15 2019
Setting up a new experience for consecutively subscribed only – Welcome to the Clandestine pages!
Most of the new pages are in development, simply needing to be posted. ( I will email when updates)
Video Game animations
There are some animations, I want to start posting next week. ( after I get a chance to edit them, so they aren’t too long. ) If pages are set to private, it’s because they aren’t ready yet ( if it says “Whoops, nothing found”).
I will begin with Skyrim. (probably next week)
You’ve likely seen it before. I used Skyrim Special Edition, and some skin texture , athletic body mod. ( As you know with Skyrim mods, it starts to get confusing when you have lots of mods in the load; and there are bugs). It’s been so long since I started, I didn’t bother to set the Caliente Beautiful Bodies mod, so that the ankles don’t have lines*.
[ *It doesn’t effect the storyboard value for me, so I left it. I have seen some videos posted on you tube, that have jiggle physics, and seamless feet. My graphics card is good, and the resolution high, but I didn’t experiment much with facial attractiveness mods, or the anime faces, or hair; I was mostly interested in physique proportion, and athletic musculature. So, some of these other videos posted on youtube, under ryona, skyrim, have improvements in those areas. ]
Though the animation gets repetitive, the unique benefit of playing the game, is being able to control the in game view – like filming the scene, from various 3-d angles. Useful for storyboard, and animation concepts.
I may eventually make new videos, with a fresh set of mods, geared toward the aforementioned aesthetic qualities; with as large an array of NPCs as time permits in a reasonable period of time. The main deterrent to making more videos regularly, is that it takes so much time. It becomes boring, and is mostly sedentary, and after several days, there are still so many variations (locations, npcs, particular mod ect) that it just seems prudent to stop, and do artwork in the studio. And there is limited use to be made of Bethesda’s copyrighted in game recorded content. I would rather work toward my own video game, with my own fully custom npcs, and Array of animations, rather than the same fixed one*.
[* to that end I learned to mod, watched tutorials, practiced, made some mods. Then decided to look at advanced animation software, and game engines, and entry level- beginner’s game making software; 3-d (game guru/copper cube/ blender/unreal engine/ unity), and 2-d (click team fusion, rpg maker, gamemaker studio). And start there. – But first the comicbook, cast, concept art, story and quality illustrations; backgrounds, costumes, physiques, faces, storyboard layouts, scripts, animation story boards; logos, ect. ] As Todd Mcfarlane refers to as the 3 pillars: movies, video games, toys.
6th Scale Models
6th scale models are something I want to begin drawing from soon; I want to photograph some currently posed ( and head sculpt, costume, body conformations). I have 5 guillotines ( toys, from “Guillotina” toy) that work for the 6th scale ( despite being designed at a smaller scale). Good references, which I can draw larger to proper scale.
The idea, was to aid in story boards. So, if I can’t visualize a pose, rather than search for an image for possibly hours, I can quickly approximate it with a physical model. Or photos of the models categorized.
These Phicen T B League 6th scale models are so lifelike, and even when photographed, it is uncanny; better reference, in my opinion, than poser software – for some natural lighting, and quick adjustment of poses, and photographing. ( in some regards).
Possibilities include stop motion animation, to create a template for hand drawn animation. Before taking lots of photos of them, and posting them here, I want to set up canvases behind them, like a blank backdrop in a photo studio. The first set I already took of the first four 6th scale models I received ( in Dec 2019), have my desk, personal belonging, home as background; and to edit out the background, would start taking up more studio time than the aforementioned method.
Plans: After I paint my first backgrounds, (on the fifty, square canvases I bought last year) to use that instead of the blank canvas; and eventually advance to create dioramas.
I have four more 6th scale models, still in packages. Time, is now the only commodity in relative scarcity for my studio planned tasks. I have more expensive vintage comicbooks, 6th scale models, than I have time to utilize, while simultaneously completing scripts, original designs, studies, additional brands.
My next goal, short term goals: practicing using my touch screen drawing tablet to color images, and paper, pens, paint and canvases for a variety of completed illustrations.
Commissions I started, which I made big plans for. Members who have earned one. I plan to do justice to all, as time permits, viewing all projects, as things that I can do when optimal, – rather than a tasklist to quickly finish. I probably won’t do commissions again, at least until I complete the many personal goals, I’ve delayed. Commissions are fun when they are a chance to draw something fresh, and get positive feedback. But the projects I currently set out to tackle, are new grounds, and learning is time consuming. Commissions, require me to set out time for a fixed circumscribed project, rather than work on newer ideas ( prioritize as the most challenging projects are achievable).
Fresh batch of horror comics on the way! ( for vintage scans)[from mycomicshop ] – And adult comics of reference value [ from Comic Calvacade ] , chosen for later purchase and adding to the Vintage section.
As well as Art of Sex and Horror: Fernando Carpucino – on pre-order!
I assembled a good deal of references from The 1st two volumes of that series. And alot of costumes, story, open world design, logo ideas. [ reduce each entry into small entries to continue]