Mon Mar 30 2020
I have started taking photos of the TB League models ( 9). Before I start posting – I want to practice with two other lenses, and look at post processing options. Currently, I have set up basic scenes, for great perspective studies; and have another shoot, planned, with prop variations, and costumes.
( It took an hour, to get a one piece ‘French Maid’ outfit to fit a T B League model; tedious aspects of 6th scale model photography, include, camera care, charging the battery frequently, and uploading sets of images, to disseminate, and chose the best of. )
A handful turned out looking like movie scenes. The models are fantastically real ( photogenic), but some of my props can use development. If I post some examples, I will take the time to set up a privacy policy.
Because of set up , and take down time, a photoshoot, generally takes up most of my productive day. So, I try to get as many useful photos as can, while a set is up.
Over the next two weeks, I want to use the camera, and make posed model scenes. The two sets I have done so far ( unposted as yet), give me an idea how to most effectively use lighting, and some great scene ideas – as well as how to detail the background, to possibly aspire to scenes that look fully produced.