Words from the Creator
Thurs 7 2019
I have undertaken a 3 week road trip across the country, taking panoramic videos with a 4 K 60fps Akaso Elite V50 action camera. Great photage that will bring individuality, esoteric high res detail, and manually matched images, for my scripts.
An ideal opportunity, that will elevate the quality –
The road trip content will create ideal reference images for the landscape of Erydeth. Forests, winding roads, bucolic farming towns, wildlife ect. Also plenty of NPC reference material and ideas from passers by.
For the road trip I am currently amassing many exciting new cover concepts, and writing that purely grasps the main characters and story.
Subscribers are accustomed to seeing certain quantities, reflected in thoughtfully crafted gallery ,atelier, vintage, posts. The Weekly packs are designed to spread 4 posts throughout each month. To enable studio time, for creating the best content I can conceive.
The goal is quality: As new aspects wax, some previous ones wan. This is change. There are stages, and progress made toward new goals for stunning artwork. Many aspects can be developed.
Honoring Legends
Red Sonja
After reading about how DC tried to make a character inspired directly by Red Sonja ( surprisingly – to me – “Starfire” of the new Teen Titans) . Starfire’s hair was made super long, and her appearance, and costume color scheme never reminded me of Red Sonja. Her character was an alien, and her abilities included flying; and she was on a team with ‘teen’ super heroes. So many elements were different from Red Sonja, that I never would have guessed that the character derived from DC staff deliberately setting out to make their own ‘Red Sonja’.
I remember, Starfire also had a similar appeal. The skimpy costume, the voluptuousness, and hair. As an artist trying to create characters that were appealing to me, it was empowering to identify some of the elements. And to see that they weren’t limited to a brand. If a woman’s proportions are such, and revealed whether through line art ( clothing over, or skimpy), or bare flesh – skin colored or otherwise – a Red Sonja type character can be created.
Story Telling

Risande’s Journal:
The P’munte were being helped by shadowy hooded figures, in horrific temple ceremonies. But the location of the temple was always impossible to find.
When he followed one of the Jongo’s minions ( a masked, priestess; that moved like a zombie at times, and had red glowing eyes, it seemed), he saw the gestures, and the location where she seemed to walk through the wall. He continued to spy on that location, as people came in and out – but (one day, his team was finally caught and) never returned. The last journal was brought back by the only survivors, who weren’t captured.
Rylanda forms a team from the Tyzens dome, to follow up on the exploration, to see if they can get into the temple, and learn more about the Ceremonies and Shadowy figures, and zombie (masked) priesthood of the P’munte. Which from outer appearance seem to be crude Headhunters, but more than the P’munte Jongo’s shaman tricks are at work here. The elusive ‘temple’ may in fact be something far more significant: to Zyens, the Judikons ( the Overseeing Immutables) and even the Septendecim.
The source of the P’munte Jongo’s power, may be the answer to the Mystery of the Temple with no Door.
Doing this project independently, I am spared the frustration of having ideas which a boss may not comprehend, or feel is too effortful, and prevents my vision from its positive potential.
The current months, I have put forth efforts to establish a subscribe star page, get voice actresses to read scripts for visual novel content, and share some artwork from masters of this genre. This all contributes to upcoming quality work, as I strive to work toward a product that is the highest in every aspect I can visually render.
Thanks for all your contributions that make this endeavor so rewarding – and your kind patronage!