About ‘Stash’ link
This link is only available to people I give this ‘stash’ link. There is no public access. You can comment below, only others I give the link to will ever see. This is a ‘Deviant Art’ ( popular free mainstream gallery), ‘stash‘ link.
About Website Link
The link goes to html pages stored in ‘Dream host’ ( a website server based in Canada)- meaning, a computer storage ( hard drives) is allocated to me for the life of my subscription*.
* When I upgrade, to additional domain names, I can make a Family website. Currently, just for duplicate storage ( backup – in case my laptop is unexpectedly inoperational) I have uploaded to the ‘page’, listed above.
It’s really just an address on the Dream host storage allocated to me ( as a customer) – that’s why the link reads ‘
luridmax is the domain*.
* I haven’t even put a link on the website (not even in private). Currently, the only way to know of it’s existence, would be to sift through thousands of html pages, and look for Podcast archives ( if someone ‘hacked’ – some how guessed my password, and started messing with my website, I would be informed; and back it up, and change the password)
(Therefore, it is my opinion, these contents are relatively secure – since there is no public gate, for anyone to target to try to break into – it simply exists as an innocuous page on a list of thousands, in a directory on the Lurid Max website: for now; just like the arranging of folders on your computer )
And I set a password: Mar7bles1KDS2 for every page.
( Not easy to guess, and once you store it, you don’t need to re-enter each time you access the pages)
The extra security, is having the link not exist on my domain, but instead, store it as a stash link here*.
* ( that way, even if someone hacked one of our emails, the link would be to my DA stash, for which I would be informed of additional views there)
I had wanted to record interviews with Dad, sharing his rich memories of experiences before our time ( about us, and things we remember of our relatives ). Now, we have realized that, with weekly podcast style*, informal recordings
* which Dad has prepared subjects to go into greater detail in our recordings; using the best professional mic ( Yeti blue) we have thus far, archived any family member speaking.
One day each week, Dad and I sit at the dining table*, and for several hours, telling stories; passing on the oral history. A priceless gift to us, which can be shared digitally, and listened to while doing tasks.
*( he made with his bare hands)
Developing the project:
There is potential to splice, edit, and arrange the audio to match visual media* accompanied by dad’s narrative – transcript; related photos, and videos; excerpts, and full.
*- such as dad’s archive of digitally converted slides. With html website navigation, we could click pages, by topic, person, date; and find slides, about us, or others;
It would take some time, but to have an audio/visual/motion/text database, of our childhoods, and family heritage, it could immortalize Dad*.
* in the way that Mr. Rogers, and other beloved shows, can bring positive energy to the present; and that which was special to us, remain with us.
For now, this is an effort, to make the current podcasts*accessible to whom it concerns**
and as a backup copy.
*( and related media)
**( immediate family members)
I am more concerned about not having the originals somehow lost, than the remote possibility anyone would go to the trouble to hack something that they:
a) doesn’t know exists
b) wouldn’t have much potential to use for ill or otherwise, since it is a positive story telling.
( during the interim before/if I upgrade to unlimited domain names: which is just $90 more for 3 years.)
ETA for separate domain: if/when I have enough content/time to launch a separate art website. Currently, one domain is enough.