Mon July 15 2019
Original Character: Skerrah
Skerrah- 19 x 24″ – composite Template: Ratha Phongnam study (portrait) redrawn; Marvel Girl ( Invisible girl: Fantastic Four) panel study; Hook Swords study; Chinese Characters, drawn from reference ( Mandarin font) ; Costume drawn on, based on Comp designs.
Skerrah is the twin of S’jera, in the Quarantine World 9 story arcs. She is straight, and aggressive, but more emotional, and uses charm, to seduce marks; as a spy, assassin, thief. The faces of the twins were meant to be distinctly Asian; rather than generic/how -to -draw/western styles. An event causes S’jera to wear a mask. During which time, she is portrayed as almost mute, in comparison to Skerrah. Skerrah’s weapons of choice, are two hook swords.
They are the adopted daughters of Wynpera, who uses them as Elite assassins. Skerrah remains loyal to Wynpera. S’jera eventually defects, and has a lesbian relationship with a blonde knight, from an all female society, named Gylhaden.