Mon June 8 2020
Unposted Apocrypha
3. The kind of ‘precise’ , extra fine point, ink line work that I like to ‘embellish‘ when I have worked out all the details of the current ‘templates , and compositions in progress*.
* In light of how digitally color with raster layers, allows me to paint ( other than bucket fill), I have high expectations for the completed digitally colored pieces I am working toward.
4. Freehand – based on the character Claire, from Tim Vigil’s Faust ( Rebel Studios).
5. I would like to revisit pieces and characters ( for further development) and redrawing. When I have time to color digitally, the many pieces from the Apocrypha – already posted in part, to the DA LuridMax: I can assemble the pages into a digital book; and revise it, over time; and add sections, and develop comics. I would really like to redraw entire comics, in different styles, and characters, and larger, more detailed*, and develop them into ongoing series with more depth to the story.
*( with variations, nude,. color scheme, muscle proportion variations, and facial expressions, and ethnicities)
Comp redraw, Pad redraw, templates, bristol 14 x 17″ , 19 x 24″

Not sure if I posted this – I rescanned it ( the first time I posted it, the scan window didn’t include some of the image). This is the complete original, with the Lettering concept. The idea, is that I can always look through composition layouts, to create a large, detailed higher quality image.
What’s pending, is doing some key studies of supporting cast, and background – likely a couple weeks of tedious, effort; but the outcome, should be better overall quality.
Inkings, mech pencil detail, Comp Redraw, Digital ( color, prototemplates)

I might have posted this before. I definitely excluded it from Patreon, ( because of their censorship).
Reproduction Study:
From a still of “The Eyes of Laura Mars”.
A facial expression I wanted to redraw later, for scenes, templates; worth studying in detail, for variations of simplifications.
It’s not finished ( got buried under stacks of drawings, – thus, I began to organize the studio recently, as I prepare to develop pieces for inking and coloring) * I may have posted it before – I looked through posts around the months that I scanned it, and didn’t find it yet.