Tues May 12 2020
Early Access Studio
Sequential 11 x 17 “
Posted June 14 Sun, 2020. Typed Words: 10:40am- 2:29pm ( after scanning, resizing, level correct 10 images) – I drew these (10 pages yesterday).
Comic: ” Crash of the Erydesis: The Origin of the Crepusculoids“
8 pages ( unfinished)*****
11 x 17 “ – Concepts
What was detailed:
1.Added some details to block, restraint, hair (1b, 1b, 1c – previous ) 2. Mech pencil detail gore ( loose anatomy reference), face, hair ( cross reference details of hair, face, ect); left and 2nd left supporting figures. left character, hands, main character hands; motion lines, breast size, physique, gesture, feet; block, basket, blood, question mark and exclamation point, thought balloon. ( 2a previous)
About –
***** I get the basic story elements down, and where the lurid pre code horror scenes seque. This basic ‘rough layout’, can then be revisited: a) story elements and b) lurid pre-code scenes can be added to.
For example. In this comic, I try to show that a vessel, carrying powerful artifacts, crashes into Q-6 ( I was calling it Quarantine world – before the pandemic******)
****** and that word became popularly associated with staying indoors to avoid getting sick) my use of the word, was as a place to ‘quarantine’ destructive life forms, on a hollow, prison world; without the occupants realizing they were imprisoned, inside a planetoid sphere. The quarantine worlds, were giant labs, observed by the Septendecim, and maintenanced by the Immutables; ( like Philip Jose Farmer’s “River World“ ; with the ethicals, and the reincarnation humans) designed to give species a chance to prove they have learned to live productively with other species; at which point they could be returned to their home planets.
Rough Layouts
11:35 am I drew these rough layouts, as I had the ideas ( alot based on scripts/lore from past 2 years: ‘Erydeth’, Umbreed, ect).
Under Optimum conditions:
Outdoor easel*: Minimum extra tasks: I drew all day (After 8pm, I drew inside till 2 am***).
I had the energy, and the drawings were coming out efficiently ( warmed up; previous day of martial arts).
Previously, I used to get alot of drawings done in a single day, and post them over several months.
Since I am trying this new “Early Access Studio” style – where I post mostly brand new drawings** – I will refrain from with holding posts ‘pending’ some state of desired completion; and instead, post whatever I get done ( or write about it, if it is related) – I did notice, that if I spend the majority of time on task, rather than on the PC ( doing website, or internet chores), that I can get alot more done.
What I have typed today ( and posted) should be enough text, that I can simply draw, and post for awhile ( hopefully long enough, to get to my goals, of some embellished, and colored work; and logos, and concept art)
The position I am pushing to be in, is to have content for Zaydimar, Umbreed, and Congo Jongo, in an easy to represent state ( logos, character designs, covers, illustrations; scripts, cast, description)
I want to have enough content to populate 3 separate galleries, with IP defining content, and perhaps one ongoing comic story per title – 66 pages,mainstream ( 22 per title) plus similar amount additional, specifically for Clandestine subscribers: 66 pages lurid pre code horror.
And set up on Patreon, content only mainstream – to post also to DA/ IG ect, with open comments, for general feedback, and audience building. With a link from DA, to a Subscribe star for nudity, and sex.
Featuring the gore and horror, separately (* beginning at Lurid Max, and eventually as spin offs. ) , since the audiences don’t mix well, entirely.
** ( because, I am starting to see my new, drawings look alright to me – and some viewers have encouraged me; and I trust current viewers are only people who are interested; not any trolls: ie, if I post to open social media/galleries)
* least distractions, most stamina ( fresh air, bright sunlight; constantly hydrating; no boredom, under conditions of sweat, natural sounds, and good feelings that come from direct sunlight).
*** After Detailing some pieces – and checking between the two for accuracy; I realized I had a costume idea I could get down on paper, and had the energy- even though, for today’s productivity it would have been better to go to bed at 10:30pm.
Composition Book
Rough freehand fountain pen: Ideas drawn into composition book, yesterday, afternoon (12:31pm – 2:32 pm: Approx 2 hours). Seated, with a lap desk.
1.Concept for side -view pose ( harem scene: Zaydimar) – idea for a color illustration: hair style. 2. Illus sequence, for 14 x 17″ ( armor, costume: for ink, color) 3. Carrenna, at Sheogarto ( dream sequence, or sequence) – guillotine. ( for game html, comic) 4. Harem girls, Raljun, illustration: pose, costume 5. top view 3 fourths ( to study from an illustration on DA, and Gen-13 comic cover) 6. Female Magmite – concept for a companion piece to the current website image 7. extended scene background for ‘6‘ – and logo idea for ‘Fumetti Fantasia’ * 8. Part of story arc for Wynpera ( wings) 9. Fumetti Fantasia poster idea – close up gore) ***
*Planned for a full color gallery of lurid Pre code horror art ( in Ip** form: costumes, characters, stories)
**Intellectual property form.
*** I started a distance view of the back ground of the image in ‘8’, but the fountain pen ran out of ink – after I refilled it, I continued processing comics ( taping mylar, scanning, then posting****).
**** Processing comics, is not normally a frequent task – I have more than enough comics to post for two years of vintage galleries here; getting the current remaining vintage comics, processed, is a finite task: that ultimately enriches the website, ( future posts; potential studies, and info posts later on DA ) and more style, and pose opportunities, for reference.
11 ” x 17 ”
Posted 3# & 4# ( Fri June 12: 11:29pm )
3. A general pose, to draw a costume idea ( planned for color pencil) 4. I wanted to make a character ( 3 view) illustration ( in color ) – for awhile. These were drawn smaller, so I could get the ideas down quicker*.
* At first I It seemed like color pencil** would be faster, but after drawing them, I realized, if I inked them, and opened in a paint software, I could quickly make several color variations.
*Color pencil is faster, usually, because I am used to painting very fast and accurately by hand ( for 20 years)- but redrawing the characters, more than twice, would start to take longer.
I set up to ink this morning – there was a sunny enough day, I worked on the easel outdoors. After a wasp flew directly at me, ( near the front door, and even when I ducked) it got caught in my hair ( Unusual), I spent several hours, removing nests ( yellow jackets, mud dobbers, wasps: x 4 nests ) and killed 3 – capturing a fourth.
It took some time to figure out their flight pattern, and pretend to go inside, and get faster, and ultimately, knock them out of the air, to the ground, and follow up; often, knocking them somewhere, I can’t see anymore- to find them return. I treated it like catching flies, or any other discipline or test of skill. They don’t move that fast, and are big.
I realized I was spending time I could have continued drawing, but I was determined, and adrenalized, and full of energy* and confident**. Catching the last one, was really satisfying ( in the way hunting, fishing, target practice or sparring is).
I put it in an empty fish tank,*** with a screen (net) top, and left water and honey for it. Also, the yellow jacket, could make a reference for a concept design****.
*Two members of my household, had a fever – possible covid ( at the time), so I boosted my nutrition as much as possible.
** ( from finishing the 4 hours of pushing a cast iron mower the previous two days, to cut the grass, after a week of rain).
***( because after killing the first 3, I felt the last one, which had eluded me for 3 hours, was special, and I trapped it, between the fly swatter net, by one leg, and put it in a jar; transferring it to the empty aquarium; my brother at one time, wanted to be an entomologist, so there are tarantula glass tanks, and insect storage kits hand built by my dad, currently empty).
****( for an insect like appearance, I had in mind for an upcoming comic I was about to start drawing).
Reaction to Current events
A couple nights of watching the news. Really alarming stuff. What concerns me the most, is not the crimes, or the damage physically; all of which are indeed disturbing; but in and of itself, crime, and damage isn’t new. But the obvious lies, and clear defense of them, and perpetuation of them by certain individuals, and groups. The mis information, being believed * is what alarms me. There is a reflex, to try to explain, point out the truth, but then- they have an argument, a way to distract, stall, minimize, evade accountability**.
*(even by certain distant family members, and respected, otherwise intelligent colleagues)
** Generating a sense that, at this point, it is pointless, for some, who have decided to believe what they want; despite repeat evidence to the contrary.
It’s a frustration, that is probably aggravated because it isn’t hidden as well as it used to be (government corruption – which obviously was there before; not the first time), and now presented like carrot for rabbits to chase, or a rabbit for dogs to chase. I think the bottom line, is to remember to vote ( rather than winning arguments on social media). I am new to twitter, and only joined, related to the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
To make a long story short: I may actually get the $7,000 in federal assistance I am eligible for.
The groups on twitter and facebook protesting the inaction by my state’s senators, has alot of members sharing their status. Reading other accounts* of the same frustration, as it affects others, and how some managed to get their payments; by 1) faxing their info ( uninvited) 2) Daily messaging the staff, elected officials and news organizations; seems to be the only blue print for how to get the payments in a timely fashion.
* It seems I am not alone in seeing the Governor behaves like a crony , does not care about fixing it, blames the previous gov, and lie**s to the media about the progress.
** That’s what made me the most angry. I don’t mind waiting; I understand overload of applicants. But firing a website data analyst, for reporting the cover up, and being told to report false data***. This doesn’t inspire confidence.
*** How can you trust anything said governor says, henceforth. The official report of how many have been paid, is so far from the actual testimony of the unemployed seeking benefits; the only way the governor ****doesn’t get away with his lies, completely; is if people like me report it, leaving a paper trail.
****It’s a shame he chose this route. He could have stood out, from the partisan politics, on his own merit. Now, he will go the way of the party; whichever. If those who first hand experienced his lies, vote against him, only number 1 million, voters,( and he is somehow not concerned, because he feels sure that isn’t enough to affect his re election), then he is betting on his party offsetting that. If his party believes their own distortions, then perhaps they are confident in their ability to ‘cheat’ the elections. I can’t imagine an election, of the popular vote would retain them, after recent events, which have motivated multiple senior Military leaders, to disavow; and the global community.
What I should do, is spend several hours ( on Sunday or Monday) preparing the info: so I can cut and paste send it ( and set my scanner up for faxing – which it can do). Once I have the info ready, sending it daily would only take about half an hour.
For now though, I want to get some quality studio art ( plus, I enjoy drawing, much more than doing chores) done.
Thanks so much for your interest – in my art. Take Care!
Text for P’munte Trespassing sign ( illustration: html game) – transcribed from voice over*:(10:22am: 6/11/20)
” Trespassers will die, Pmunte territory is ruled by Congo Jongo’s laws.” *
*organized for reference. At the time of the illustration, I had to look for the text.
1.Adjusted ‘Level Correction’ ( makes lines darker) to show main figure 2.,… supporting figure 3. Previous version.
What was detailed:
a) I redrew the gore to match the perspective – and referenced ( loosley) an anatomical drawing from an anatomy book. b) the block, more level. c) the skull, more anatomically representative ( and wax candle dripping – idea from a Grail Quest , choose your own adventure – from 1990’s) d) The Jongo mask, and pose e) the forshortening f) left side, chain links g) the lettering h) the face, headress ( smaller), the position to match perspective.
I think this would make a nice Lurid Pre code illustration, with character variations: Carrenna, ect. ( nude),
Not decided exactly what Suathra’s costume ( headress) looks like, first made a harem type hair style – which looks better ( in my opinion), but realized it didn’t fit the story. I can draw another one ( as a harem variant costume), I drew the headdress, which is the ‘current’ placeholder costume for Suathra. Likely, a Turkish headdress would look okay – if I study from reference, it might look better.
1.2. 3. Previous version 4. Completed Tonal – 2nd lettering of title ” Witchfynder” ( 10:03am 6/11/20)
I added some illustration elements: Hour glass, characters ( Wynpera – in Auen form ( with wings); Carrenna, with Soul Cleaver; Eladryx ( Drinna, Warqueen). The idea was to have the corrupt Livyatan, Cuj Wikkoth on the right, and Nyhaelos ( Drinna ) on the left. Skulls kicked up in the dust, of the Maelstrom; lightning arcs, a tornado on the right – Drackendour on the right.
- 2. 3. Previous version
This ‘mainstream’ ( pg -13 or R rated) version reflects a concept from the story of Zaydimar. This form of the illustration* is more likely to convey the character’s nature, and relatable conflict to the largest ‘general audience’**. Enabling the Zaydimar character to be presented to a larger mainstream audience; as a sort of bad ass female executioner – for mainstream galleries: ***
*( with clothes, and a male supporting figure)
**DA, ( possibly IG), and potentially kickstarter.
*** All the items that make the mainstream image look higher quality ( costume details, background, anatomy ect; 3-d, color, line work), will also improve the lurid pre-code horror version.
Variants of this can include other supporting figures; as a lurid pre code horror illustration.
- Previous 2. Detail, [ 8pm – 11:44pm: Reproduction study, ‘Spider woman’ (Vol. 1 ) panel. ]
Be safe! Have a Great week!