Privacy Policy:
This is an archive of movie/video clips found over the internet, from various gallery forums on the genre. Lurid Max, it’s creators, and affiliates don’t support condone, or encourage violence, bodily harm or disrespect or hostility toward anyone, man or woman. Anything featured in the movie/video clips archive, is entirely the property of the original creators. I don’t own the copyrights to any of these movie/video clips. I am not profitting, or selling these as a feature to this website. They are placed here for the convenience of the artist, to use as a database for reference material – to be used only as screenshots taken to draw from to create visual drawings, that are transformative creations, informed by the said content.
By entering this archive you agree to all the privacy policies within this website ( main page, gallery , Clandestine, vintage and the spirit and letter of this privacy policy) – agreeing not to make suit, or hold liable, or make copyright claims against the creator, owner, affiliates, subscribers, or anyone trafficking this site by any means ( legal or illegal). You also agree:
1. NOT to repost Any of these videos, on Any another site, or attribute them to Lurid Max as author; or make case by informing the original creators that their work is being sold without their permission. 2. NOT to place links, make reference of any form, in public streams ( social media, forums, comments, blog, wiki, or anywhere on the internets) to cause negative attention to be drawn to Lurid Max or the ‘Movie/Video Clip archive’ 3. NOT to encourage others to post links, or comments, encouraging others to violate copyrights, or create legal disputes, over: A)the nature of the usage of the movie/video clips B) The nature, genre of the movie/video clips C) The nature of the legal ownership, copyright law as applies to said ‘archive’.
If you agree with this – and everything written on this page, both legal and otherwise You May” ENTER THE LURID MAX:
The creator would like you to know:
,…the plots, dialogue, and portrayal in many of the scenes is not necessarily shared by Lurid Max, creators, owners, affiliates or subscribers. This is a repertoire of media representations that feature some special effects, that include dismemberment, decapitation, beheading, prosthetic heads, cinematic special effects for severed heads, gore, fake blood. There is no intentional posting of Real Gore, or Real death. The intention of Lurid Max is NOT to glorify Real gore or Real death. From the images in the videos, it should be apparent that they are all ‘movie -magic’, ‘special effects’. and no one is getting hurt. Lurid Max creator would also like you to know, we do not encourage violence, bodily harm, or any of the aforementioned, to be directed at ‘anyone‘, especially women. As Wes Craven said, horror films don’t generate fear, they get rid of it,.. “( paraphrased). All the art on this website, serves the purpose akin to Wes Craven’s statement: ” There are alot for very real mortal threats to our physical bodies in this world, horror films, give a way for viewers to rationally look at their fears, and in a form that is more manageable – to help them not be terrified by their fears. The real enemy is fear.”
The crux of the controversy is where the place is to take action to prevent harm. The approach of the post modern psychology generation, ‘over entitles’ the weakest, most fragile, or ill-intentioned, outliers – and by the ‘anomaly’, designs restrictions, that are applied to the whole. In the 1940’s Scheherazades tales, scenes with lurid Pre-Code horror content were presented to all ages, and the majority saw no harm in it. In the mid 1950’s , after psychologist Frederic Wertham, made a case that Pre-Code horror comics led to criminal activity, the pre-code horror comics were burned in heaps, by fearful parents. The code has since been abandoned, and even more explicit violence, and sexual themes are prevalent in all media.
Yet, there is a stigma, remaining like a vestigial tail, for the lurid pre-code horror genre/presentation, that some feel comfortable in lashing out at , similar to Wertham’s era. As seen with recent Patreon, and other areas of social media censorship. It’s like the dinosaur in the room , everyone knows its there, but people walk around it, and don’t talk to it or about it. Lurid Max’s chief purpose, is to bring a dialogue, put a voice to this – in the face of what some refer to as the Japanese: Guro rebellion – the rebellious art of Japan, that defies censorship. In the words of John Denver: “ That which is hidden becomes most fascinating, and that which is denied most desirable. That which is undesireable, proves to be unfurthering, and eventually becomes boring. This process should not, and cannot be stifled. Censorship by self-appointed moral watchdogs, is oppression and won’t be tolerated in a diverse modern democratic and free society.” (paraphrased)
I started this page, because I realized censorship in the U.S. culture, for lurid pre -code horror art is both a) regressive and ineffective for any claims by self-appointed moral watchdogs; because the video games, and film are far more explicit and correlated than art; which has been found to have no significant correlation. b) and empowers content that ‘resembles’ lurid pre-code horror art; such as the wave of ‘Japanese rebellion art’. known as Guro.
Rather than being a voice of outrage, that viewers of said content never have to listen to, I realized more positive impact could be made, being personally courageous: making a lurid Pre-code horror art page, featuring a voice for the lay viewer. Anyone using social media, even peripherally glancing at comment threads, are aware of the ‘trolls’, and ‘activism‘ – that doesn’t impact the viewer; but targets individual creators, to ‘shame‘ them in to desisting.
This is ineffective, if their goal is what they present- laws, and punishment of criminals, prevent crime. People with no pastime, other than sending unwanted messages, to whomever they see, anonymously, through social media, claiming to be crusading for a purpose, but don’t contribute anything personal,( no art, stories, no profile photo) are cowards and slanderers, committing petty crimes – unapologetically aggravating honest working class people: inspired creators, who work long hours, sharing their unique voice and creative contributions, for little more than the positive feedback and generous donations of a handful of kind patrons ( like yourselves – Thanks!)
As the 1980’s horror, was both gory and explicit, it also featured ordinary, healthy reactions to gruesome events: often which were moral lessons, on par with Wes Craven’s ( a former professor) work: positive, transformation horror – where characters are tested, by the mettle of their will to survive, and persevere, in the face of unspeakable tragedy/ horror. The atmosphere of anti-podal, policies: where one internet site ( like Patreon) essentially censors everything ( by adult artists) leaving only rated Pg-13 ( SFW) content remaining; and the unregulated guro galleries, with overtly masturbatory murder/rape narratives, and little else; reminds those who grew up in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, how taken for granted, the work of horror masters ( of film, like Wes Craven, and earlier ones, such as the ones from Italy, that inspired Eli Roth). Horror in a narrative, that is presented as a larger than life obstacle for protagonists, can inspire others to over come their less threatening, mundane ones.
The creators of Lurid Max want to promote the positive benefits of transformative horror. Where a protagonists overcomes horrific trauma, to become stronger and help others – a narrative that mirrors the lives of those strong enough to have endured. Censoring anything depicted that is perceivable as dangerous, to satisfy a self -appointed moral watchdog,’s Wertham-esque sensibilities, is to squelch the stories of first hand witnesses of atrocities, rape victims, home invasion, war, being kidnapped, mugged, raped, stabbed, held at gunpoint, and other trauma. That’s why it is a luxury of a 1st world dogma, that doesn’t resonate with anyone on the outside of Patreon’s bubble.
It takes perseverance, and stamina for the time consuming redundancies, and protocols of ‘anonymous’ authorship, in the social media/outrage/slander cultural zeitgeist – fomented by facebook/twitter/youtube/deviant art/ ect,.. Lurid Max is an alienating task, with smaller audience. But for those who appreciate it, and can benefit, this labor has been undertaken; as a responsible presentation, to mitigate the ubiquitous presence of Japanese Guro, and rise above the regressive censorship prevalent on Patreon, and other self-appointed moral watchdogs, who actively suppress lurid pre-code horror in the nostalgic form of the 40/50’s EC, Roy Thomas, 60/70’s fumetti, 80/90’s Wes Craven favoring a sterile, oppressive environment of zero tolerance, that actively empowers the least conscionable iterations; Lurid Max has been established, to create a Pre- Code Renaissance!
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