“Stranger Fiction in Bizarre Worlds”
Logo Title concept art Loose interpretation of Adventure Comics #370 cover figure as a location concept art Wynpera early costume design variation on how to draw dc wonder woman 1980 figure
Sequence Scene Freehand ink layout
Color pencil freehand ink Character Concept: costume, cover
Idea for (using template quality facial expression/ anatomy) series of coversClandestine costume
An original character reminiscent of “Dazzler”, “Super girl”, “Power girl” and “She-Ra”, type 80’s bright/colorful costumed-heroine.
The “Hand of the Septendecim” are “Immutables” given artifacts/costumes of power, to prevent the Nihelim from leaving the Quarantine Worlds. [ lore subject to change ]
“Stranger Fiction in Bizarre Worlds” presents short stories, and a variety of characters and content, an exploration of lurid pre-code horror themes, with eclectic contents.
An anthology: for short stories, introducing characters, concepts, and stand alone stories. A variety of sci-fi, fantasy, and lurid pre-code horror sequences.
“Congo Jongo”, “Witch’s War Hammers “, ” Caverns of Mnemoth” , “Umbreed” , “P.U.S.I KOPS”, “Sam the Man-Cat” and many other titles can be featured here first; some that wouldn’t otherwise appear in a dedicated one subject title.
Stories/ sequences inspired by historical fiction, and other stories, media, ( shows, games, movies, paintings) can also appear in this book.
This enables a wide variety of covers, tributing lurid pre-code horror. And simple, ‘speculative’ fiction, based on characters and content presented here; saving canon/saga- storytelling for the ‘titled’ comics ( designed like multi volume graphic novels).