These templates are designed to be generally applicable to fan art; beginning with Reith ( Magna Carta). 1) This is a rough layout drawn onto 11 x 17″ The Following Variations can be made: A. Faces can be specific to studies, characters and expression B. Musculature, proportion of secondary sexual characteristics ( T & A) C. Background, supporting cast, dialogue, plot nuances D. Panel size proportions. 2) These two pages precede 3 illustrations: 11 x 17″ : and 19 x 24″. 3) Further development for the template: A. Dungeon; Sentence; Capture; defeat in combat; Combat; Setting of Combat; Character in natural environment; character plot; main story B: Aftermath: of Pre-Code Panels, supporting cast expression, dialogue, Additional fan art characters in previous templates, expressions from related cast ( grief, anger, ect, natural reactions in native environment), impact on comicbook universe, memorials, vendettas, trauma, displayed corpses* (immutable, or rotting) in setting; revenge or other impact on survivors/acquaintances.
*In general, at the outset – while templates and original characters, and world is first defined by conceptual artwork, it simplifies plot/lore to have the pre-code scenes presented with the ‘immutability’ concept ( so that newly introduced characters aren’t killed off, stifling further development, and application to larger story arcs, and enriching the universe.