Words from the Creator
Weds 20 Updates; Tribute; Lore; Adaptation; Thanks
Sun Oct 4 7:07pm –
Studio Upgrades!
I hope everyone is well. Here’s what I accomplished since last update:
I acquired at auction: a) 3 premium format statues ( Batgirl, Huntress, Cheetah – Dc) are enroute. b) I built a 4th scale display case from an antique* . c) Stored, 400 comics**, to shelve: ultimately, making space for creating art; and high quality references to study. d) Planet Comics #35 (CBSC 5.5), #39 (CGC 4.0) and #66 ( raw: apparent 2.0 or more) enroute ( as well as more modern books: Streetfighter Swimsuit special ( Genzoman cover), Wonderland: The Red Queen #1. e) Smaller scale figures ( 1/10th, 1/12th, ) of, Nancy ( sin City), Mera ( DC), Batgirl; MOTU action figures ( Evil Lyn: Classic, Battlegrounds, new; Teela; classic.
Major upgrades to the indoor studio environment ( Where inking and CSP coloring take place): 2 pro breeze dehumidifiers, 2 hygrometer/ thermometers, LED’s for the display cases, and an air purifier (Blue air 211).
I worked 3 days straight on taking comics out of old poly bags ( many with no boards), and organize them ( stacks, of about 800, to look through, arrange).
My access to areas of the studio ( surfaces; where I can stack drawings in progress, and tools), and access to visual references, are a foundation, in creating informed, professional quality work, that reflects mainstream techniques.
There were a couple days with news about events of national importance; the first U.S. presidential debate, and the current president being hospitalized for covid-19. I watched, and wrote my reaction.
In several days, a relative, who happens to be a naturally talented voice actor will come to visit.
I have more videos, and vintage comic interiors ( lurid, pre -code horror, and GGA) that I can post later on.
I have alot of ideas, for art, and look forward to doing studio work, to share. Thanks for your interest, and kind patronage!
*family heirloom ( turkey crate, my father and uncles, were in, as a crib, when infants), and a painting glass frame
**from old yellow poly, into new mylar and boards; then in short boxes,
Weds Aug 19
I am set up, and working toward, inking and coloring – if I am close ( in the next days of the period between now and this Sunday, ) to coloring and inking, and see that the 3 hours it takes to scan and post WIP – could be spent getting color and ink – I might continue studio work*, and aim to post within a week.
*I can do more detailed work, but it takes longer – and colored takes more time.
Mon Aug 17
( I push -mowed the lawn, wet from rain; 3 hours, last night in the dark with a headlight – plan to finish today, and have uninterrupted studio Tues – Sat.) Meanwhile,
designed as a template for a lurid ‘anime’ sequence ( worth redrawing, and coloring) [ I got good studio work done Sun afternoon, and set up to draw from 6th scale models, and ink/prismacolor].
*Since there are only a dozen not stored, I want to go ahead and protect them, from getting treated rough, while stacked with my drawings in progress (which are on the same size paper).
**Apocrypha, as you may recall , are images that are from 1985- 2000 generally. Never before published. Shared here for the first time ever. ***
***Unless, I posted it earlier in the past year.?
Honoring Legends
June 30
*I scanned some recent comp layouts/concepts; a 11 x 17″ character illus;
**( from previously unposted photos of Eerie Magazines)
( I can add more tomorrow evening – and the day after I plan to do studio art).
I will probably post new studio work* on Th or Fr.
* I put 100 issues of ‘Conan the Barbarian’ comicbooks into polypropylene with standard boards – at around 11 am today, I was looking forward to drawing – made some effort to unbox a stack of delivered comics; when I looked into the Conan lot, I saw a comic that was packed, promoting a spine roll; so I unboxed all 100 of them, ( all loose, unbagged) photographed covers, and a dozen golden age comics into mylar – till after 11 pm.
June 25
*( original comic page; from Sjera series; Apocrypha reimaging 2nd in sequence of Wolverine cover**; a detailed comp Pre-Code horror splash page layout-freehand Masked**; 19 x 24 prototemplate Francoise Yip ** for physique – nude)
Preparing to upgrade to Dreamhost “Unlimited Shared” – for some new websites, to offer (new brands) to new audiences.
Eventually, I might upgrade to VPS, (faster upload speed) , if the html game aspects, and new brands develop, to merit more traffic, and save me time for studio workflow.
**May have posted before – I got alot of ideas down in comp- while completing an auction for “Lorna Queen of the Jungle” golden age comics; caught up some sleep. Plan to try to post more, tomorrow evening. Looking forward to getting new studio quality work! And posting rest of Interiors (above left) which have great GGA style panels, combined with pre-code elements, in the lurid style of the 1970’s.
Fri June 19
Pending delivery (when it’s actually delivered, I will Update): audio segments from recent Thermidor order, by new voice-over Actress Ten. *
*If it arrives sometime today, as expected: I’m primarily spending time on the Zaydimar script, until it’s done. So for now, I will limit time splicing the new audio, but try to get some samples posted ASAP. Eventually, I want to have audio tracks that have dialogue with background music. Lot of ideas, and editing ( bringing many characters, names, stories, together; and locating various narratives, and arranging; like video editing, and programming)
Story Telling
Censors, Taboo
Where I come from, is that I see this ‘taboo’, and a vacuum created by well intentioned censorship; that empowers lesser artists, to populate and become the default ‘face ‘ and ‘voice’ of the ‘taboo categories’. And the ridiculous result, is that the well-meaning, have essentially no voice, no comment; like the approach referred to as ‘the dinosaur in the living room’.
Their presumed piety, is only for themselves, and actually doesn’t impact the issue. Any concern that there is a denigrating nihilistic attitude, in forums, that ‘socialize’ the young impressionable, is least addressed, by knee -jerk disassociation. Yet, this simple to comprehend phenomena, is exactly what groups like Patreon* do.
*Deviant art still promotes some free/diverse expression ( in some cases, censorship, largely of pornography/genitalia) as regards lurid pre code horror.
On the Horizon:
That is what I am working toward. The characters, and stories, design, are taking into consideration, competitive brands; whose concepts, characters and stories are loved by fans. Most artists make up original content, but often their skill at art, far exceeds the sophistication of their character, plot or concepts.