Congo Jongo will maximize lurid content featuring my original cast, and concepts, here, for Clandestine Members. But on Deviant Art, I plan to post only SFW. NSFW will be here, only for Clandestine Members: not for new joiners to LuridMax.
On the Deviant Art page Congo Jongo will be a straight, SFW ( with clothed sexy women, but no nudity, or sex, or explicit gore, limited innuendo).
I will tell autobiographical stories, that are important to me, guised in fantasy fiction. That was my purpose for studying, and training to write scripts, and pencil comics to begin with.
I want to be free to be creative, in lurid pre-code aspects, including hentai, – because I’m an adult, and when I occasionally look at adult art (once every other month), it often lacks something. After I sit at the easel and draw it myself, it seems a shame, not to have anyone one to share it with. That has changed this year with LuridMax and Pulpvisions!
My first forays into adult art have been largely encouraging. Sure, as Eli Roth said, ( writer, director of “Hostel” , “Cabin Fever”; starred in “Inglorious Basterds”; friend of Quentin Tarantino) not everyone will like horror content. I expect, many will hate it. But I’m not doing it for them. I’m doing it because I’m a fan, and for other fans of horror. Including lurid horror, or any subcategories.
Why not post it? especially, if I can be anonymous; and get paid for All the art I create, making studio art as sustainable as possible as a full time job in the future; rather than just mainstream commissions. I am slowly warming up, (learning) where it is best, and how best to present it and where; and to whom.
I had previously posted fine art, and had nice comments, but little to no business. I haven’t given up, but, in the meantime, working the genre that is in most demand, of my range of interests.
SFW Congo Jongo will elicit general, competitive feedback and interactions from a mainstream audience. But, for myself, in my studio, I will also feature them in lurid stories, ( including pre-code, and hentai).
The fewest amount of artists are doing pre-code horror (at a high quality, with much sophistication of story, background, diversity of face and physique, or quantity; or animations, and video games). So, I started this, to create what I envision, but don’t see anyone really doing.
Also, it’s a dream, to become a mainstream level comicbook artist, and work for a publisher ( if possible) or self-publish. ( going to conventions and so forth).
Naturally, combine that training, dedication, with the void in the genre, and LuridMax quality Pre-Code Horror comics is born. But it isn’t the extent of my training or limit of my interest. I really want to make video games, animations, and full paintings of scenes from my stories.
How to present this to interested viewers, without offending the mainstream, viewers, ect, – is precisely what the strategic social campaigns, levels of access; and Clandestine Membership is for.
I trust you, for having stayed subscribed all this time, from the beginning – it means a lot to me; and I want to reward you appropriately; by sharing not just the pre-code horror content from the “Apocrypha”; but all my studio work, which your contributions enable.
Like the statement at the end of “The Predator “ (2018):
This website enabled thousands of studio hours, paid for fully equipping a studio, provided multiple jobs, and had a positive impact on social commerce, the economy, and livelihood of other artists working from their homes, and aspiring to be published writers, game designers and animators. Thanks for your support!