I will be starting Season Two in the upcoming year. LuridMax Deviant Art will be an informational site on the topic of Pre-Code Horror; with vintage cover Gallery scans; bios on the artists; tribute art related to Pre-Code Horror, and original art featuring Pre-Code Horror.*
* including skulls, and Halloween stuff. Not my new original characters or stories. Just things within the breadth of what is already on the page: Terminators vs X-men, Skeleton Women, Mort Drucker Cartoon style, Prince Valiant, Spawn, Medieval Spawn Fan Art, Mortal Kombat, ect,..
I will gradually remove previously posted preview images as I add the former. There will be a few, full size images, that are in the style of Pre-Code Horror covers ( suspense only); with updates every other month; alternate covers for subscribers only.
This will be a place to post essays on the genre; and Historical Adaptations; such as Scheherezade. Bios of Pre -code Artists and comics in their style, using fan art characters of that period, and ones already featured.
As the “Apocrypha” is colored, I may post previews (temporarily).
The expected season duration: New year – April 2020.
Season Two – Lurid Max Deviant Art – Mission Statement:
It’s main purpose is to keep a presence on Deviant Art, time-to-time previews, and essays on the genre; meant to emphasize the positive aspects of the genre, to encourage others whom may come across it, and present an alternative context – an example of the nostalgic paradigm ( which may be unknown or forgotten to new generations)- especially those who grew up on the internet.
The rated PG zeitgeist, is ridiculously fomented by social media trolls, and cry-baby men-feminists, who think they’re scoring by taking their virgin angst and keyboard warrioring against art – developed for responsible adults, in a time when men went to war, came back having seen the worst, and expected to see their reality reflected in art and movies; not this sterile generation, of medicated kids who never faced anything more than part time employment, and coddled by the boomer generation’s modern psychology as applied in pubic schools and the work place.
Efforts to sterilize and tranquilize the internet galleries, are anathema to the freedom and rebellion of the 60’s and dark visceral expressions of the 90’s. I have learned, encouraging others to do better, is the strongest medicine. And forbidding what you want to stop, only motivates more rebellion.
Now with violent video games, neglectful parenting, and dispossessed teachers ( who aren’t empowered to discipline kids; who are always right ), the violence by youth that gets sensationalized in the media, fuels outrage against visual representations, such as pre-code horror art, but not the video games that the kids are playing. Hypocrisy and a crime of opportunity; individual artists are targets on social media, but Warner Bros is untouchable; money = power. Not social righteousness. Social media demonizing, are like little tornadoes, created by dirtbags, with no where to go, who view the world, and themselves through ‘comments’ and ‘posts’ on social media. And require the targeted user, to share such a world view.
I grew up, before the internet. So to me, social media is an extraneous activity, that I don’t really use for meeting or talking to people; and I really prefer, not to engage in daily ( aside from copyright infringement, slander and situations with actionable legal violations). I maintain contacts with people in person and have a wide social circle and positive environment. Social media is an acquired language to me, that I recently tried, to promote art. Thanks to you, it has been a wonderful success, and exciting adventure.
I enjoy the process of creating art, all day, interrupted only by chores, and strenuous exercise. I write essays from time to time; so long as people subscribe, I will continue to post.
I am using Lurid Max through Deviant Art eclipse – ( I’m aware the old site is still there; pretty brilliant from a business standpoint, for DA; this way it pleases both the people who want to be free of comment pages, and those who want them; without kicking anyone off; DA essentially made two versions, and those with a preference are free to choose.
I appreciate all your positive feedback and generous contributions that make this possible.