PulpVisions is a brand that will focus on Pulp Magazine – Adult Magazine, Fumetti ( Sexy Italian paintings and comics).
I can post new paintings, that are erotic, pinups, and have lurid content.
A full painting feature: in the style of Boris Vallejo, and Fastner and Larson. The Hanging Woman (poster). Black Phantom panel study redrawn, inked, colored, reworked.
A generally unapologetic presentation, minimal text, or essays. Basic NSFW labels. Some examples of painted gore, mostly tasteful, innuendo; with links for subscribing.
I will gradually go through all former posts, and remove previews that featured content from LuridMax Da; and captions referring to the site as l u r i d m a x d o t c o m. Next year, after mostly promoting Pulp Visions as a separate entity, I can make a separate website (domain) for Pulpvisions.
The Pre-Code horror label will be identified with Lurid Max, – as comics like Suspense Stories, [ 3 cover reproductions, will be enough content for 1 year ] Tales From the Crypt, ect.
The range of content on LuridMax DA is relatively narrow. I received immediate, and exorbitant interest and payments, for art that is currently featured on the website. Other elements of Pre-Code Horror, will eventually be studied, and featured, when I have time.
Pulp Visions will specialize in upcoming painting studies, beginning with Italian sexy fumetti artists: like the ones featured in recent Koreko Press Books:The Art of Sex and Horror, series: Emanuele Taglietti, Alessandro Biffignandi , Fernando Carcupino, * ect,..
The value of the 1st two, from the original $33 I could have gotten it only 6 months ago, is now $125, $270 respectively, from current sellers, now that Koreko is out of stock ( I can get large images from free galleries; and wait for the 2nd printing). I pre-ordered Fernando Carcupino, and look forward to studying that one; and providing page scans.