Thanks so much – Some of you are very generous and humble! I am grateful. Seeing members in the first week is very encouraging. It is very convenient to have the Subscribe Star page as an automated way for new people to join without requiring my regularly checking Da notes, or email. This may help in the long run, over time, allow me to spend more time drawing, coloring, designing concepts, typing scripts, and getting new content on the website for Clandestine Members!
This is a good paradigm, increasing the quality and dedication. I plan to post some content from the posted Apocrypha Feb to present – but not all. Once of the benefits of Early Access, was that grass -roots members got all scanned posts. New members will see the content that will likely be remastered for collections. I always try to give as well as I receive; so for those giving more than expected; it inspires me to do so as well. Thanks Sojourners, and Commissioners from Season One; you are now the Clandestine Members of Season Two.
Items like the upcoming 6th scale models, will be only for Clandestine Members. I will never post them for content skimmers to steal and repost. Some of the fully poseable 6th Scale models I will feature are: Red Sonja: Scars of War. Wonder Woman deluxe ( Justice League), and Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer II. The unposable 6th scale model: Guillotinna.
With each script I send out to voice actresses – I will post audio samples on the website. And begin uploading them to Ren’Py, and setting up Adventure sequences for Congo Jongo, and Erydeth.
Upcoming short term goals are to get a Blue Yeti mic, and start making the dialogue that I can, and elicit others I know personally to play characters suited to their voice and acting range.
A longer term goal is getting a Zoom H6 multi-track recorder, and a Rode Nt -1A mic ( cardioid condenser microphone) to make instrumental soundtracks ( with my keyboard, Baldwin piano and acoustic guitars). To be a mixture of dramatic movie soundtrack, keyboard sound, and both classical, and eclectic guitar styles; including metal, punk, power chords, chords, solos, finger picking, and classical piano.
With the multi-track, I can place operatic melodies, in various octaves, as part of a background theme. I have mixed and recorded 100’s of original songs and instrumentals, which I composed and practiced regularly for decades; so it is particularly motivating, to have a chance to place it alongside, and to supplement the stories portrayed by my art; which I have scripted for chosen actresses, that fit my vision.
A video game, even a visual novel, is a way to quickly experience, and re-experience, a vast array of images ( like the pad studies, and comp layouts; and character designs) in an immersive media format, that includes animation, soundtrack, voices, to go with the text. A multifaceted presentation, to convey the ideas; and interact with the characters.