Thurs Feb 13 2020
Conan Exiles Mod
2. The jiggle physics was set max; thats why the effect looks strange for each animation. ( about 8 hours into setting this scene up – So I learned for the next session: to set the jiggle physics at normal, for this animation ) It takes an entire day to make game videos ( simply cause load times, and entering /exiting gameplay, to adjust mods, – to place npc’s, change appearance, add structures, adds up hours, upon hours. Later, the videos make good references, but making the videos is super boring, and sedentary. Once I have a regular studio drawing schedule ( after completing IP, script writing/ voice actress casting: and do some stock images, to start posting visual novels to test; and do a rebel ti 7 camera photoshoot for 6th scale models, I can return to Conan exiles. For now , I can process the days worth of videos, for posting.)
Skyrim ( Conan Exiles) Screen Shots