Ages: Platinum (1897-1938) Golden ( 1938 -1955) Silver ( 1956 – 1970 ) Bronze (1970 – 1985) Copper (1985 – 1991) Extreme ( 1992 – 1998) Movie (1998-present)
Pre Code Horror
Adult( Nudity)
1. Might set up a gallery of photos of covers of recent deliveries, then disseminate them over time – ie scans, interior photos. These are a valuable resource, to glean consistently aesthetically ideal forms. I look forward to studying as many as I have time and concentration for – and reapply them. I have a couple redrawings ready to scan, and post in the coming days. ( If there were 6 more waking hours in each day,…)
2. A potential reference for the original character “Rylanda”. I found this in a Bazaar, while on a road trip, in another state. Looking forward to getting the website caught up, ahead, and then daily utilizing all that reference material I acquired recently – and putting it to good use, as forms, to inform my original work.