Tues May 12 2020
Early Access Studio
Sat May 30, 2020 – 3 scans added.
11 ” x 17 ”
Photos (24 MP)
- A redrawing of a combination of the Alan Davis Template, and a Reference collage ( featuring a Dave Hoover drawing of Moondragon- The bald Marvel character, lends itself to be a good reference for portraying the ‘Nasimede’. *
*I would like to embellish 19″ x 24 ” templates, soon. They would make dynamic art – inked, scanned into CSP, and digitally colored. First, I want to study specific background items. And develop some concept art for backgrounds. **
** This would take a week, so I might stagger posts, in order to accomplish this. Otherwise, there would be a week with just drawings of backgrounds, That would be risky, and likely lose the interest of viewers.
Also can benefit from a series of facial expression studies, and supporting cast. I will try to maintain the status quo through the opening of the month, stagger posts, for the two weeks mid month, and then complete as many items ( background, supporting cast), as I can, so I can complete some templates. Or just redraw some, and embellish them as much as I can.
With 2 more hours this piece ( 1.) could look more contrasted, bolder lines, and more interesting details. However, this is the key element of the template ( combining Moondragon pre-proto template reference collace/combo with Alan Davis template).
I would never give away the process to public viewers, but for Clandestine members, I will share the template; so you get a sense of the process, and the potential for variations ( based on the many templates).
As you can see, I didn’t reproduce it exactly. I adjusted the proportions on the new Dave Hoover Template ( Moondragon**), and made a rough draft of a Raljun* background.
* ( For the Zaydimar/ Scheherazade’s Paradigm – and the 3rd variant, I have planned – rough script- for a subscribe star, and deviant art launch)
**First Appearance of Moondragon:
“Daredevil #105
Scans (1200 ppi)
19 “x 24 “
14 ” x 17 ”
5 scans added Mon May 25
11 ” x 14 ”
Posted 2 scans ( med contrast – to show dark sections smooth; higher contrast – to show lighter lines of figure *) –
* if I had 6 more hours in the day, I’d detail it more, and ink, and color. I’d like to embellish this as much as possible: a) I used H ( light ) pencil, to possibly color ( with color pencils)
Even though I want to do some studies of male faces, and relevant backgrounds; anatomy and expressions; so I can detail the many pieces in progress. It won’t hurt, to color and ink this ( 11 x 17″ )*
*I can redraw and improve it later. ( It would be nice to ink, and try the software coloring)
I made up this piece, entirely without reference. Ideally, I would continue to detail, and reproportion; using mech pencil. And prismacolor. Then redraw on larger paper – and ink.
If I work on this piece to bring it up to the highest quality I can, it could take 3 days.
And if I do a series, (with a redrawing, on larger paper for inking) it could add 5 days.
In this case, unlike the weekly pack ‘status quo’, there would be only the scans or photos of daily progress, and 1 or two finished pieces to post for the Weekly.
If I start doing paintings, it would be a week to get some color on, and depending on the size, and complexity, additional weeks; months, to complete at top quality.
I may draw as I have ideas, and embellish. When logos are finished at top quality, combining the logo with a colored, ‘finished’ piece, should look good.
*Recently Delivered ( chosen for study, to redraw)
Photos (24MP)
Soundtrack Titles:*
*Subject to change
( continued) I ran out of time last week, to write:
Covid-19 Anecdotes:*
Meat hoarding – I was informed that in various states, meat is becoming scarce, and people are hoarding it. A friend of a relative, offered to give toilet paper ( which isn’t scarce yet in her state) to us ( who can still get meat readily).
Store encounter – confrontation, over social distancing, racism: A relative ( this didn’t happen to me directly; people usually avoid confronting me) was in a whole foods, and an elderly woman, with an elaborate breathing mask, made a comment ” So much for social distancing” – implying my relative was expected to walk all the way around an aisle, rather than past her cart which was blocking the way to the line. My relative spoke apologetically, but then her partner, defended her, letting off some F-bombs, and the lady realized she did appear racist, and open her eyes wide and said nothing. ( it was an interesting anecdote, at the time: especially, the way they told the story)
Toilet paper available in stores ( first time in 2 months): Relatives who have been bringing us supplies weekly*, pointed out, that while carrying the toilet paper packages from a Warehouse store, others in the store, try to guilt trip them into giving up their 2nd package; and how, the atmosphere of scarcity, has resulted in buying more than we need at present, to prepare for possible lack of supply later.
*( I have not been going to the stores, since I do the maintenance, and heavy lifting, caretaking, in close proximity with aging relatives ; one who is susceptible to covid-19, and therefore, the concern is, that I might bring it to them; without realizing it, because my immune system is generally strong.)
Working from home. Attorneys in my family are doing case work, through tele-conference,. One, mentioned preferring this method ( saving time from travel); enjoying being at home all day; an interesting sentiment, since most are eager to get out of their homes, after the government imposed quarantine. Currently, with the re-opening of states in the US, the death toll is rising, and the public opinion of this administration declining.
Deliveries. I got alot of packages, in a short period of time. The Jungle Comics, are my main interest; because many only have 8 – 20 on the cgc census. Few are available in the online comic book stores; but they pop up on ebay, in various conditions: in general, difficult to come by, in conditions approaching VF, for the majority; often 3 or below. As far as comicbook grading, 5 are great to draw from ( not enough defects to obscure the art. 4 usually is great to draw from, but some copies, have torn sections, that potentially obscure the art.). Comics that are from the 1950’s, often have color fade, such that the original appearance is not really represented as dynamically; and it ceases to be an ideal color reference. Those comics from the Golden Age, had some of the best anatomy, ( Good Girl Art) and backgrounds ( jungles, temples, animals, tribesmen).
Colloidal silver. In conversation, someone brought up a person who defied the covid-19 threat, on a non evidence based belief, that colloidal silver would protect him, and encouraged others to believe him. That man has since died. Cautionary tale.
Be safe! Have a Great week!