Weds Nov 20 2019
Newly Scanned Apocrypha

1.Odd size (smaller than 8 x 8 inch)- ballpoint ink. Freehand. Reference, models in a small catalogue. Useful for various expressions; petite, youthful ( Kate moss, archetype) thin
2. Lady Death comicbook series * see Wfc –
3. Black Cauldron ( Disney) – Cartoon cell snapshot study ( reimagined) – I would like to redraw the ‘Horned King’, and be more proficient with creating skeletons, skull faces – with expressions; applicability would be to have better quality supporting cast; such as in most AAA video games; useful for posters, wallpapers, visual novel scenes, and variants.
4. Sonya Blade: Mortal Kombat I – Drawn, based on the first arcade version, adapted to Sega Genesis in the early 90’s. A sequence with comicbook repetition of form ; rotating, falling object effect. Useful for reimagining, variations ( nude, original characters, fan art), visual novel, animation and remastering with physique , facial variation.
5. Lower Section of a 14 x 17″ Bristol board drawing- using Koh I noor H pencil, reference, freehand, with Kim Kardashian-esque complexion and physique. Worth, redrawing, with physique and expression variations; adding costumes, sequences, and supporting background and cast.