Anonymity/ Voice Conundrum
,…if the author’s voice is squelched, or omitted, is it ceasing to be the ‘mainstream’/professional quality pre-code comicbook world the creator envisioned?
[Above posted May 19, 2019 ]
I see the main sources of confounding:
a) Appealing to genre-specific viewers
( ie, creating content requested by viewers of the pre-code horror gallery, that mostly request: pre-code scenes in isolation: and not the 90% of content that builds a quality comicbook story, characters, world, cover, ect,… )
b) Making separate stories/characters for the pre-code horror comicbook to maintain anonymity.
( This is a time consuming, task, just for making any story and characters. But to treat it as an artist going undercover, and ‘trying’ not to express anything personal, results in a sterile, one-genre stereotypical presentation.)
This makes the art, and designs, carry the weight of individuality of presentation and meaning.
Adventure Soap Opera
The way I had envisioned it, was more like a personal, meaningful story, with characters that are important to the author, that just happens to have pre-code horror scenes.
For example:
Imagine a mainstream favorite tv-show sitcom or adventure, with beloved characters, that resonate on other levels than horror, or lurid appeal – whererin, there are events that occur to non-main characters, which involved pre-code horror scenes.
In this case, the main focal point is a relatable group of characters, that can represent and act out the experiences the author wants to share.
The plot isn’t driven by the pre-code horror events. The resolution of the plot doesn’t hinge on the pre-code horror events. Everything that makes a mainstream story interesting is there, it just isn’t vanilla, as regards pre-code horror events that are part of a context ; such as war.
One presentation is the adventure/ soap opera, that refers to pre-code horror scenes, in the narrative. It is spoken of, described. But, not shown. The pre-code scenes don’t affect the cast that continues through the adventure soap/opera.
A range of feeling is possible, joy, vicariously requited love, quest attainment, revenge, mastery of a skill, promotion, survival in nature, reconciliation; or anything that might be part of a mainstream story arc.