The movies depicting them, seem to show the events from the perspective of the white people. The scenes with the Indians always feel like national geographic with primitives, the Indian’s experiences are not as relatable. Though they may be understandable, the viewer still may not care that much for the red-skinned people; as much as the white people that look like his own family.
Also, there is a disparity, when the losses of the Americans are shown with great attention to character development of the Americans, but the losses of the Indians are merely nameless numbers.
What does the number one hundred or a one thousand mean?
I think, showing the scenes, would speak more than a thousand words.
Instead of a sentence, that reads “1,000 peaceful Indians of the neighboring tribe were slaughtered by Americans in retaliation for the Apache ambush that killed 10 white people in a church of settlers; including the priest, his wife and kids.” , a scene showing a thousand peaceful indians slaughtered by the Americans, would humanize the even more, I think. And the magnitude of the event would be more accurate.