There are certain NSFW categories ,that very readily draw the ire of certain individuals, – such as lurid pre-code horror ( pulp- magazine of the 1970’s ) .
Some construe it to be encouraging violence on women, and attack the artist – as though they were the source of evil; which could be stopped, if strong enough pseudo-threatening words were ‘typed’.
History is recorded so people don’t repeat the mistakes of the past. Writing conveys this. Drawings can also.
In today’s civilized nations, gore from car accidents, street crime, murder scenes, war atrocities ( most) are largely prevented from reaching the public. Such things are disturbing, and make people upset. Rightly so, in a society that values human life; even that of animals.
As any one can read in historical accounts, and see in historical drawings horrific war atrocities and draconian rules, existed since recorded history began. How you feel about an image is up to you, not everyone feels the same way you do.
Seeing gore from car accidents, can be a strong motivator to drive responsibly. Gore from crime scenes, can remind someone, that destroying a hated ‘rival’ , won’t be in the sanitized physics of a Pg-13 cartoon violence world. Photos of war atrocities and mass graves, are part of educating newer generations, to prevent such things.
When lurid pre-code horror tells such stories, they are cautionary tales; like the Grimm’s Fairy Tales of old. This is the spirit of what LuridMax was created, and aspires to; one step at a time. [ Each script, background, study, sequence, and character design at a time ].
Thanks for contributing with your interest and kind patronage!