Mon Sept 23 2019
I made a Private You Tube Channel, so the video game animations are embedded.
Links to Download directly from the site ( they don’t all play back on the site: but the downloads work.)
I updated the Legacy Members area to include recent Current content menus
Subscribe star
Thus far, I’m having a fun experience:
The following email* –
Hi there.
Thank you for registering with! Your account was approved.
Apparently, your content has great potentials. However, to keep it safe for both you and us, we would ask you to tone a bit down your avatar. At the moment it is literally right in-your-face. I’m pretty sure you can come up with some creative way to make it enticing but more modest, if I may. I believe, your target audience will get the message 😉
Thank you for understanding!
Sincerely, Support Team
(* after finally putting a link to subscriber star here ‘about us’ , and on Deviant art. The page was Approved, the next day.)
? That email, literally put a smile on my face. No judgement, in fact, encouragement right away; and a suggestion to ‘tone it down’. In a way that encourages cooperation.
Much better, in my opinion, than the ‘zero tolerance’, Patreon presentation; which comes off judgmental, condescending and reprimanding. I expect to enjoy using subscribe star.
Glad the page is up, – simple to use, same categories as Patreon ( I already had tiers designed; avatars, banners, ect) – so I can get back to being an artist; rather than a full time web page, blogger – which is honorable, but I prefer drawing, and being outdoors. The website, social media is for the Art. And the less time it takes up ( the less sleep I lose ) the more and better I can function, and create art.

Erydeth Part VI of X
The Secret of the Blasphemers
The Secret of the Blasphemers, is the location of the jettisoned Immutable’s stasis chambers. Finding them, and waking them from torpor, may turn the tide. In the meantime, the only chance to save Erydeth from becoming infested with umbreed parasites, lies with the most heroic of it’s own people: the Clandestine ( in Dojin Shah), the Mehkt (giant domestic cats; in Arvilah), Tzyens agents ( researchers for the Judikon, unknowingly doing supplemental research for the Septendecim: Headquartered in the Sea Dome near Talverna), PusiKops (nickname, made into acronym, for the Tekarran Special Forces; half cat /human hybrid), Matrioks ( heavily muscled female warriors – entrusted with Eronstone staffs and weapons, because of their more patient nature; and tendency to make decisions with the weakest of the community in mind )- of various tribes: Nashonan, Nasimede, and Zampuni.