Words from the Creator
Mon Aug 10 2020 Updates; Tribute; Lore; Adaptation; Thanks
Mon Aug 10 2020- 11:11pm –
Added 2 scans. ( I have a third image- 14 x17″- to get to bed early , I will post the two 11 x 17: I can continue uploading new studio art throughout the week).
Typed some new ideas for a brand and story specifically for Lurid Max ( derived from, and intersecting current stories; but with different identifiers, and thus not directly attributable to the stories that I want to present independently).
Some more cel animation ( 4) and original art ( 15) are in my studio – when I get a chance, I want to photo/scan.
I want to finish the Devon Massey study (19 x 24″) – the inking: then ink some pieces in that style.
Been watching V ( 2009) – really alot of relatable concepts to current events ( distrust of media, political figures, corruption, deception; subterfuge; clandestine resistance forces, protest; manipulating public perception) – in the background, as I detailed the aforementioned.
Generally about 3 days into it, the concentration for detail increases, and the task becomes drawing the minutia of hatching, and less about the overall form, and starts to take up more time, for less to show for. ( ie, . in 1 hour, I can create a rough template 19 x 24″; but in a day, It might be just several 3 inch sections, of detail). As it gets more accurate, it starts to be so close to the original, that there is less to accomplish, with the time put into it.
The goal is to demonstrate the ability, but then use the study, to redraw it, ,and make original versions. If I spend a week detailing an accurate study, I gain technique, but, it takes time from the original idea : which was to redraw it with original characters, and in unique scenes.
I definitely am benefiting from going to bed early and getting up earlier ( for story/writing, concept art, and energy reservoir). Will try to keep it up.
I ordered 3 new original art pieces – I was very excited to find a Mike Deodato Jr piece from 1995 ( Glory #7); there were none available last time I searched; a piece from Faust artist Hannibal King ( a great stylized facial expression, and inking style); And a DC piece* by Ivan Reis ( a super talented Brazilian artist) ; the facial expressions are the most impressive comic stylized forms I’ve seen to date, and would make great templates. I look forward to studying it, and applying it to original concepts.
*The first item I’ve ever won in a live proxy bid at HA ( Heritage Auctions).
Honoring Legends
Story Telling
Social Distancing *Anecdote:
*using the phrase ironically
A beautiful woman, my age, that I just met this morning, invited me into her home – exchanging contact info. Had alot in common with me ( creatively, physically, her age, certain opinions) It seemed surreal at the time. Like a utopian wish, coming true, suddenly, amidst a typical day in the life: giving me insight, into what could be.
Objectively, I had an interesting interaction with a neighbor. Not sure if anything will come of it. Will have to wait and see. If I receive a communication in the next week, it’s possible I may have an opportunity to draw from a live model. Nonetheless it was encouraging, to be around someone my own age and have a conversation*.
* during this pandemic, I’ve mostly been on my property, with minimal greetings to passersby on brief round the block walks; and usually people I know already, or much younger, or older; with little in common.
Today I met a woman, who spotted me with my dog. I was full of ideas, and eager to get back to the studio – but wanted to exercise my dog ( to keep up her appetite, muscle and immune system) before I got started. I saw someone watching me from a distance, until she was 3 feet from me on the sidewalk, I avoided eye contact, mostly watching my dog, to keep her a safe distance*.
*The woman kindly greeted my dog, and started a conversation. She seemed to be making small talk, and I was prepared to keep walking whenever she was done talking – but, she was telling me details related to the subject. It seemed like she didn’t want to let me go. I was content to continue talking to the stranger.
As the conversation went on longer than I expected, I noticed the sun was in her eyes, so I moved, to spare her; so it was shining on my face instead. She seemed to be a really kind lady* . She mentioned some details , and indicated several times, in various ways, that she was single. By her behavior, I sensed she was encouraging me to continue to accompany her.
*- I couldn’t tell exactly her age, I assumed she was younger than I
When she offered to show me some details, it became like a fantasy. Normally I wouldn’t follow a stranger – but from her personality, and physical attractiveness, and the general appearance of the situation; as I have recognized the behavior as typical of a woman that is interested in me; I took her invitation*.
* I’m not getting any younger – and I’ve had plenty of time to think about all the close encounters with beautiful women, that I walked away from, for one prior responsibility or concern, or holding out for someone better. I tried to view this as a rare chance, and make the best of it.
I apologized for the clothes I was wearing, ” had I known I would be visiting someone, I wouldn’t have worn the same sweaty clothes I’ve been walking the dog in for the last month”. She replied ” Oh,you’re fine – look at what I’m wearing – ” ; self deprecating, to put me at ease*; pointing at her clothes.
* I liked the kindness I kept seeing. A sort of innocence. When I began to see her as a friendly person, who saw the best in people, I began to appreciate her good qualities.
In the exchange of questions, as she extrapolated on details of her domicile, it seemed, she was communicating to me that she could use company, and would be interested in me returning. I began to consider her facial features, noting she was quite attractive. I noticed her figure*.
* Generally, girls (or , I should say, mature women) that assert interest in me, have had larger than average breasts; and dress in a way to down play their conspicuousness. She had breasts, that were spectacular, and she clearly knew this, and was hiding them, with the outfit she wore . Her lack of make up, and general style, seemed to be natural, and humble.
She told me some details about herself, profession, ect. I have been in this situation numerous times. However, it seems like it’s been along time – until it happens. Very refreshing – a pleasant experience. I made some statements, assessing her interest. I offered that I could come by another time. She thought it would be nice, especially for a relative, who is interested in my profession.
If there is actually any follow through ( often, there isn’t – many times, I’ve met gorgeous , voluptuous, specimens of women; who, in the moment, are drawn to me, while I am moving persistently, toward a talent I am developing ( physical, or creative )). They greet me, flirt a little, give some sign of being available and interested. Give me contact info. And then I seldom hear from them again.
I make my best to respond and err on the side of being courteous; sometimes the conversation continues, and I meet them again, multiple times, and interact physically; sometimes, they come to a decision, that they are, too old for me, or not sophisticated enough. I have tried, sometimes, to speak minimally, and smile, and nod, but eventually, I express my thoughts. Rarely do the girls that are physically attracted to me, share the same intellectual interests – I am sure, I am not alone.
She seemed to have alot in common, though – it was uncanny. I really thought it was special. I tried to be forthright, and made it a point to check the social media she invited me to see, showcasing her art; vice versa.
I have had conversations on the topic, about how much, or when/what to write a woman who is interested – many advise keeping it short. Since there is no ‘one size’ fits all – I try to be myself.
So, I honestly, don’t know if or when there will be any development regarding the aforementioned interaction.
I was hoping, humbly, that she might enjoy the company. What would be most useful, and practical would be dynamic facial expressions, to accompany dialogue ( all of which, can be presented mainstream). In general, all of my girlfriends, eventually share alot with me, and usually find my relatively conservative interest in lurid art, scenes, innocuous; or participate lightheartedly. I generally don’t view girlfriends, as in the same category. To me, a girlfriend is a person I know – but an image in a lurid scene, is a concept; representing a historical, or fiction event; like seeing a cadaver in med school. I’ve never wanted to have a girlfriend, or someone I care about, appear in the aforementioned.
I generally, view it as nothing really taboo. Most people have a sense of what is NSFW, and what is or is not appropriate, for employers to associate with someone – but if they trust you, and know you, may be willing to open up to some interest, that they’d otherwise be embarrassed to tell you.
I’ve noticed the original comic book art, that has dynamic facial expressions, and gesture ( which seem informed by a model, posing for the artist) have the most value to me for study.
It would be really encouraging, if I actually did collaborate with this creative woman, to get some unique facial expressions, and gestures. This would make panels more original, and have something unique to offer; which could be used for all the illustrations I do.
Much of what is lacking in lurid art, that would improve them, are basic aspects of elements, which in and of themselves, are not so lurid (ie, quality gestures, anatomy, facial expressions).
If she doesn’t eventually collaborate. I know some models I can hire online, who can take photographs, based on written text , descriptions ( instructions), which can also give me unique references for informed facial expressions.
Whether or not the person I mentioned in this anecdote follows through or not ( anytime soon, or ever) – this nonetheless, gives me insight into how much more satisfying the process of drawing, creating panels, and drama in a comicbook /illus(visual novel) can be.
I have put forth a curriculum, of images to study; saved jpgs ( from internet searches), vintage comics/magazines, 6th scale models, cel animations – specific to the medium of comic book art. I have already experienced working from models prior. So, as I hone my skills, on the former, I look forward to the latter.
{will probably move the above text, to a Word entry}
(Continuing Discourse: )
Wes Craven’s ” Nightmare on Elm Street” tv show *
*as I remember it
The majority of the show ( movies, and tv show) is a soap opera. This provides the context for the ‘nightmare‘ – in which the gore, and lurid aspects, including nudity, ect, are known to be ‘imagination’, not real.
What is not real, isn’t as subject to the constraints of right and wrong. Actions are. Thus, depictions that overtly depict harm, in domestic settings, personally, concern me for the impact they might have on impressionable youth. Rather, than decry a genre, it seems, creating the alternative, that I viewed as ‘imaginative’, is a way of modelling the alternative.
My favorite thing to do, is paint ( detailed, full color). To make what is unique about comicbooks, consists of a lot of brainstorming, rough sketching, writing, and editing.
I have 50 practice canvas, from last year. My process, could be, to paint on a practice canvas*. Then when it looks good; to put it on archival linen canvas board. Such things as a title ‘logo’ ( 12 x 18”), a background, a character, a lurid fumetti style painting ( 20 x 24”)
*practice canvases are not made to last, less durable.
Thanks for your interest and kind patronage! Have a great month!
Stay Safe.