Words from the Creator
Weds Feb 26 2020

Coming Soon! ( link) Some images in progress ( 19 x 24″ ). Feels good getting some of the projects going, that I had underway, before I went on the Road Trip in Oct, 2019.
Voice Actresses
Following are updates written over the past week: ( most recent first)
Currently, ETA for Thermidor II is Feb 27 12:18 am – likely the actress interpreted that as tomorrow. I have a plan for a second wave of scripts, and rough to nearly final drafts for them; and a concept of the third. Took some time to look at new references related, on social media.
Broadcast rights generally cost $50 to $150, so when an actress that is decent offers it for a fraction, it seems prudent to secure them, before her prices drastically change ( as I have observed since Oct 2019 ( over the past 4 months, of listening to/ casting actresses)
I have another 1 or 2 or so to cast tomorrow, before I spend a day updating the website. Then only about 3 major top rate actresses, I plan to cast/test. Then’ll I have a pretty good range, of options, and voices to keep in mind, as I write final scripts, and then plot out the game/comics, with their voices ( the stable actresses, who remain available through the next year or more) in mind. Recasting will be easy – but to start I wanted to have everything I need to make a preliminary demo game, and legally promote it on youtube/deviant art/ game jolt/ and anywhere on social media*.
( for the 1st Title: Zaydimar: because it has a premise people can identify with, and part of a culturally famous paradigm. Getting fans to support it should be easiest, in the first year trying to independently create and publish a comicbook series and graphic novel.
What I learn in the first year should enabled the other brands to have higher quality, and success. Thanks for your kind patronage that brought us this far!
Honoring Legends
An early publication, featuring the Tarnsman of Gor, that initially, some two decades ago, I skipped over, to buy ” Mirage” instead, because the paintings were more colorful, and the bodies showed more sensual flesh. It was nice to finally have the book, and scan the early works, including the aforementioned, to do a revisiting, – study reproduction, and sequence reimagining.
Story Telling
It really doesn’t have to have a lot of lurid Pre-Code horror scenes , to achieve the goal. Building the characters ( like Stephen King’s writing is famous for) and developing intricate fantasy worlds ( like Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman’s: Death Gate cycle) improves the impact of every aspect of the product. Rather than one character going through the same scenes, like a one trick pony, – which gets boring, and has little to offer as a whole; working on the characters, and having a story, that doesn’t rely on the lurid Pre-code horror element, makes both aspects more impactful. So, writing will involve characterizing a range of characters, for the actresses that are available ( everywhere between 18 and 45 years of age). The SFW components should be able to stand alone, and develop interest. While the lurid Pre code horror content, can be featured here. As I think of lines that work as supplemental audio for lurid pre-code horror illustrations, I write them down, roughly, and think of how to integrate them into a dialogue, and scene. And which character to assign it. When I have fully brainstormed all the permutations, and revisit it a week later, I edit it to suit a voice actresses that seems to sound the way I envision the character – and whose samples, suggest she can read it with the proper vocal directions ( some actresses ACT, some read in the same voice, using the same inflections; there are voice over ‘audio book narrators’, and then there are trained actresses / theatre majors. ) Although I am currently holding out for the actresses that got sick, who offerred to read the whole Zaydimar script for free, because she said she”,.. loved it,..” , and thought it was “,.. an awesome story.” the top rated actress, ( the obviously most skilled one, which all the other actresses seem to pale in comparison to, will be the first choice, should the first one be unable: she seemed to believe she could complete it by the end of the month. I relistened to her samples – definately worth waiting for, if she brings the same quality to Zaydimar, as an amazon script she read. Alot of the actresses are young, and mostly hired to read loli scripts. She seemed to jump at a mature dramatic part as a seductive but lethal female executioner, who transforms into an arena combat champion and war hero. A sort of redemptive story, of a person who does something, to survive , that they aren’t proud of, but go from strength, to strength, and then perform good and heroic deeds, to help many others, opposing the wicked ).
I looked into stop motion photography – and sense I have the hardware I need to make some introductory stop motion films with 6 th scale models I acquired over the last 2 years ( minor upgrades such as software, Large Led lamps, photography equipment ( like umbrellas, backdrops,) manuals,- and some learning curve, and practice, using the tripod, a remote , linked to laptop, and using software, to run the frames. I can conceive of some decent animations; and using software to add gore, blood, special effects, and then have audio from voice actresses; plus sound effects from carpentry equipment, ect. Really enthused, and started practicing keyboard, and guitar, to compose some instrumental, and ballads for the soundtrack ( to compose, and record, and have some of the voice actresses who can sing, to record them, specifically built around the lore ( names, story ) of the Zaydimar story.
Gratitude: This is what I wanted to do: visual art, musical ( vocal), written (story/scripts/screenplay/dialogue), into animation (2-d visual art video games, and 3-d stop motion film), to create a body of work in the genre of lurid pre-code horror, as a paen to the 50s precode horror, lurid 60’s, and 70’s fumetti, explicit gory sfx of the 80’s and 90’s, using the software advances of 2020 – then promote it in public broadcasting channels, and leave it up as tribute to historical artmasters; rather than bemoan every new generation not doing things the way I remember, and feeling a like a sole witness to a bygone era; this is my way of bringing to life that which I am familiar with, and sharing it with others who not have ever seen the work of John Bryne, John Buscema, Todd Macfarlane, – for the generations who grew up with smart phones, and paperless entertainment; a nostalgic revisiting – from Golden Age to present: The Lurid Max Pre Code Renaissance. Thanks for your interest and kind patronage!