Weds Nov 20 2019 Updates; Tribute; Lore; Adaptation; Thanks
Words from the Creator

In the “Lady Death” fan-art original comicbook series ( of a 40 page, 2 issue, pencilling, from the Apocrypha), I would like to see:* a) inked as originally pencilled ( with hentai ect), b) then redraw as a Lurid Pre-Code Horror series; with similar style; added scenes ( costume variations). c) Variants, with anatomical details, current style repertoire ( muscle, facial, breast, buttock, proportion, variety) d) costume ( fan art) – specific faces, original characters; plot variations e) template versions f) nude variant g) story variants [ templates, integrated, into various stories; according to plot) h) with word balloons, titles ( variants; for action word balloons: ie: Thok, Wok, Thunk, Shunk, Chuk, Whack, Thwock, Hack, Chop, Lop, Thuk, Tok, Slice, Chunk, ect,… ) –
*Rather than restating, per instance, the general idea is that any of the Apocrypha ( posted in the Weekly, and Gallery) are images which I have chosen to be applied as aforementioned.
Honoring Legends
Mainly, the goal is to have quality final products; that can be looked, at and reread for years to come; thus, fitting as a detailed, portrayal, of scenes, that are part of a larger story; that can be like Wes Craven’s description of terror; making the horror, an image, that the rational mind can face, and move on to other things; with the terror scenes, included, rather than omitted like explicit lyrics, which allow appreciation for the absence of obscene lyrics, or graphic violence and gore.
Story Telling
The level of relatability, and investment in the protagonists, and their concerns in the comicbook fantasy world, presented as genuine, provide the sharpest contrast, and define each other most by complementary juxtaposition. ( rather than monotonous guro, that is not increased in quality, by non-sequitur variations; and more of the same, with baseline nudity, and guro premise.)

The aforementioned premise is demonstrated by creating quality, costumes, backgrounds, and stories – that are otherwise entertaining and meaningful; rather than an abbreviated genre, embarrassingly contrived dialogues; one-trick pony story arc repetition/theme; merely drawing women, minus clothes, or any subtraction variation – ceasing to be a view into the concealed; revealed to be ‘doing less’, intellectual, and physical laziness: the quality is notice able, when artists take time to render clothes, backgrounds, facial expressions, likenesses, and stories, that are more than stories and art serving an abbreviated subtraction-genre.
The idea is to maximize the elements often lacking, in such amateur content dominant subtraction-sub genres, and strive for the quality found in professional mainstream; by putting in the time and resources; since rarely is it done, without ‘flinching’, to avoid the ire of censors, and sensibilities of outspoken self appointed moral watchdogs.

Like the days of the Italian fumetti, covers of Emanuel Taglietti, and Allessandro Biffignandi, the Lurid Max Pre -Code Renaissance, reminds us of the freedom of fantasy art, at a quality rarely seen anymore, in a time of censorship; where the vintage comics/magazines of the 60’s, to the Golden age, remain more pioneering, courageous, and interesting, than the sterile, simplified, mass propagated ‘art ‘ of the present (majority). Perhaps, that is an opinion, that be contradicted. Born of a sense, of the potential of new Pre-Code Horror Lurid comicbook covers, and graphic novels, with the skills of the masters, and the software of today.
Thanks for making idealistic visions possible. Your contribution, makes All the Difference! You, Subscriber, are founding a possible genre, and serving as a beacon to others. I appreciate your Interest and Kind Patronage!