Words from the Creator
Thurs Nov 5 Updates; Tribute; Lore; Adaptation; Thanks
Honoring Legends
I read the results on the Depp vs. The Sun libel trial ( in the UK) –
was disappointed. I saw a gloating post from an activist, moralizing how this sent a strong message that even powerful men will be considered guilty if a woman claims abuse.
There was so much wrong about this, I wrote:
“When activists refuse to make exception, in their postulate, for the case when a man is falsely accused, it sends a strong message. It is despicable, opportunism, to contribute to assassinating the character of a man whose innocence is problematic to the credibility of a sexist movement.
Activists, citing the outcome of the Depp Vs. The Sun case, as a victory for abused women, is hubris for shameless sexist gender politics. It’s an incorrect postulate, to assert any and every woman who claims she’s been abused, is always telling the truth.
Depp was assumed to be at fault, his career and family suffered; and continue to suffer – while Heard’s diabolical entrapment schemes and perjury have gone unpunished. Activists aligned with a creed that gives advantage to one gender, are no more fair than the male bias they are a reaction to – it discredits their integrity to continue to defend the obvious liar.
Closing their eyes to evidence, in the public domain, sends the message that these particular activists don’t care about ‘right and wrong’; Heard, and others like her, profit off the bias they promote; undermining the trust they claim to be entitled to.
To indiscriminateIy support only the woman, whether ‘right or wrong’, isn’t asserting ‘justice’ for women; but ‘superiority ‘of women. Gender politics before facts, makes their message facist – and dead on arrival, for anyone who wants truth and justice for all.
Activists and trolls doubling down on Heard, give people more reason to doubt the validity of a woman claiming she’s been abused, when activists like ( insert name) automatically side with an obvious liar. This position, hurts their cause, because it alienates potential allies, both men and women, who care about ‘justice’ for all.
Depp tried to protect her, despite what she did – look what happened to him. Musk is trying to protect her,… I imagine Heard has a hold over Elon – whether it’s blackmail over recordings, or threats to make claims of abuse; it seems everything Heard comes in contact with suffers. I wouldn’t envy her, or her supporters.
In ten years or so, Heard’s game won’t work- minus her youth. Depp has been loved by fans for more than 20 years, for his humility. In time, this won’t be seen as a victory for Heard. I have more respect for Depp- after the recordings became public.
It’s uncanny how Heard seems like the character “Ava” from Frank Miller’s: A dame to kill for. ” The woman who becomes every man’s fantasy, seducing them, using them, torturing them and callously discarding them. ”
( I may or may not post it- the value to me was in writing it, expressing my thoughts on a subject that I strongly disagreed with: the comment that bothered me, is buried somewhere in a you tube thread; I don’t know if it’s worth tracking down the name of the Activist ( Linda Prince? – Price? ) to complete it. There are so many supporters of Depp, and you tube comments aren’t a court of law; it would be mostly preaching to the choir. )
Interesting to note, is that I personally know an attorney who sees domestic abuse cases in court 3 days a week*, who thinks Heard is a disgusting liar, taking advantage of sympathy she doesn’t deserve, and believes Depp is the victim.
Some of these, more fascist, so- called ‘activists’, are not even liked by people who actually defend real domestic abuse victims, on a daily basis. These activists draw negative attention to the subject, for clout, sport, their own ego, or self-aggrandizement. (insert name) ‘s statement is an example.
* and does zoom, from home, with domestic abuse victim clients the rest of the week
(later, I can move the above to a Word page).
Story Telling
Remaining to compile:
a) composition books ( ETA several paragraphs Zaydimar: 10 paragraphs outline, Thermidor series 5 additional episodes; emotes: Suathra, Amandine, Rylanda, Maxxene ) b) email drafts ( ETA, 6-30 pages to look through ) c) Website word posts ( ETA several entries, typed directly to website, may have some related content)
I typed name ideas, rough outline for some comic sequences- want to draw as much as I can today: while still getting some chores done ( cook, mow, edit script, update website): I have dozens of photos of great new vintage covers ( for study later); and action figures, of various sizes and details worthy photographing*.
( when I have time to set up a neutral backdrop: for relative anonymity).

Thanks for your contributions, and participation in the Lurid Max art projects. Warmest regards.