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Coming Soon:
I have an idea, to post coming soon, like a bulletin board; where new projects, and related items, that aren’t finished yet, or planned for the next month or beyond, are added. Unlike a finished pack, such as a certain number of pages, or fixed format.
It is fitting, and raw, like the process; brainstorming, writing ideas down, looking up things, ordering things, typing drafts, revisiting drafts, redrawing, and devising improved, or tangential ideas. This is how I work, and the Coming soon, being something I can add my plans, with photos, thumbnail images, and references – will be something I can update as I have things to share*; without waiting for a weekly pack, duration or arbitrary format.
*rather than a mini-pack.
When I add things, I will write “Posted: item, date” – and include the updates, in the weekly Words . [ and move the “posted” log, to an archive, each month; inside the monthly link] So that finding the coming soon posts is straightforward and up to date;
Red Sonja
I figure most people who want to create their own version, would base it on whatever they knew – such as the most recent, modern Dynamite iteration – change a few elements, then give the character a different name, story and abilities.
The advantage for ‘fans’ who knew more about “Red Sonja” – they would be least likely to reinvent a former iteration. I feel the most thorough approach, would be to look through the history of the character, get the actual comicbooks from the different eras – including the key issues: first appearances; in solo titles; in new costumes, ect.
Being on the outside, a non-serious fan, there is a higher probability, that a recreation will be based on a shallow impression/understanding of the character ( such as Sam Raimi’s Spider Man – 3 film, which was accused of not really understanding the Venom character ), and the imitation/ derivative, even more lacking in the core components responsible for the character’s appeal.
Ie,.. Changing the size of the pants, rearranging the body armor, length of boots and shoes; changing the hairstyle, personality, muscle proportions could still appear to be an imitation of Red Sonja, with little difference in the character design.
After reading key issues ( digitally)- owning, and studying, perusing cover art, the sense of being on the outside, is gone. Red Sonja is not a vast unknown quantity to me. I don’t foresee any fan at a comic-con could talk about Red Sonja in a way that left me feeling a total novice. Having a sense of the character from origin to present. I see which elements of the character were appealing to the zeitgeist, and how that differed from the original 1st appearance.
Free Commissions!
– Thanks, for Sojourning with me to Season Two. All members who have subscribed consecutively, (you know who you are) have earned free commissions.
I have some in process, and am doing them on a large scale ( more studio time than usual commissions, )- out for appreciation for your interest and support!
You can email me your request, or any update ( if I haven’t completed it already, or contacted you) I work on them, with the goal of bringing them to the highest level I can. Including doing studies, if the subject matter ( character) is unfamiliar.
Currently I have slated to study manga, and anime styles, that are aesthetically ideal; with plenty of references chosen. When you give me your request, I begin thinking of how to approach it, and doing an exhaustive reference gathering ( as I practiced in college).
The process benefits all my future work, and options for original content. For example, by studying manga style faces, I have written stories, that involve that anime/ manga paradigm, and style. It will take time to develop to the highest level ( but the Japanese 6th scale models assist greatly in idealized bust/ figure proportions, and the dramatic foreshortening that is signature).
So expect your request, to be my beginning of a research phase, that leads to studies, and then integration into an informed original piece, as close to the spirit of your request as I can: rather than a quick, hack job, in my default style, minimized, and looking overall less quality than pieces that I conceived, and ultimately a forgettable commission, like so many you see on galleries. ( that do a disservice to the artist, and the commissioner; for the sake of an arbitrary or assumed time allotment. )
The fact that you’re here to read this, indicates I am explaining this to someone who already has demonstrated fine taste, high expectations for art, and an appreciation for process, and willingness to wait for and nurture quality hand-drawn art.?
I thank you so much, and look forward to sharing many new lurid artworks here during Season Two.