Image: a desolate, barren, desert, dunes: wasteland, dilapidated towers, ruins. Husks, , lack of green plants, or people, or civilization; lack of buildings.
Narrative: “The kingdom has decayed. “
“The Estates, fallen into ruin. ”
” The plague survivors, sojourn, .across a barren wasteland,…. scavenging for scarce resources,… in what remains,..of a Kingdom, once at the Height of Splendor.”
” Now, unrecognizable,,… its former glories,… only recalled in stories, written in rare books,.. though few remain, who can read the script.”
“Xth’raddon, razed the civilizations of man’s pride, and glory. Ransacking, human resources, making an Umbreed army, from those who fell to the plague,.. Taking them off world, leaving behind, a hollow planet, with few inhabitants.
” Seemingly a lost cause,.. Keeper’s remain,.. who know of a way, to return the former glory,… restore life,.. to the world as they knew it,… Presently They are scattered,.. the means to their restoration, … an ancient and powerful artifact, the Witchfynder,…
Which can travel, the dimensions, of temporal potentialities, …. like sifting through the outcomes, of the great Invasion of Xth’raddon,. and the Umbreed Hordes,… rolling the dice, of probability,… and picking the favorable potentiality,..
Whoever holds the Witchfynder,… and possesses the Onus, of the pristine Livyatan,.. can plumb the depths of the mystery,… until they uncover the solution,… finding, a way, to prevent Xth’raddon, from taking the Quarantine worlds, as recruits, and scouring Aethyrvast, like a swarm of insatiable locusts,… leaving utter desolation in its wake.
This is the world of Erydeth,,..after the Maelstrom,.. after the plague,… and the Umbreed horde, brought all life, to it’s knees,….
Find the Witchfynder,… assemble a team,… and make sure, Xth’raddon never enters this Dimension.
Keep Aethryvast alive.
Seek the Keepers, and bring them together,…
Be worthy of the Onus Pearl,…
Wield the Witchfynder,…..
Lead the TimeLost, to a brighter tomorrow.
The search for the Witchfynder, begins today:
Locate the Sorceresses, Contact Wynpera. Read the Books of Livyatan, and the Chronicles of Erydeth. Enter the Hollow world, and take the Witchfynder, to the space station.
Contact the Septendecim, who guard the station, while the Time lost, enter Tempus Fractus.
The Immutables fend off the Nayka, while the Time Lost search for the potentiality.
There is only so much time, Wynpera can only keep a link to the Witchfynder for so long. Find the solution, before, the link is extinguished, and the Time Lost, are stranded, in Tempus Fractus.