Mon Nov 23 2020 – 10:47pm [ this is not a final draft – there may be typos; it is also a work in progress]
Zaydimar’s Quest: Game Design.
A brief overview of story, consequences, outcomes: 3 roles to play; each has 2 main options. Each of 6 story outcomes, have sequels. General mechanics of quest points: corruption, honor, bloodlust, compassion, elemental, (presence , popularity, notoriety)
The scope is pretty well defined now:
1. Intro: rags to riches, to conflict (quest). Character arc: innocent, hopeful/ entrapped, traumatized/ escape/ survival/ power, responsibility
As a story: (video game cinematics)
Symbolically, the character is depicted as an ordinary person, in good faith, encountering an exploitative institution. The qualities of perseverance, ingenuity, discipline, are demonstrated, as the character survives; going on to become powerful; exploring power, both radical resistance and mature leader/unifier.
The arc of this script’s scope, is to portray the many obstacles to freedom and empowerment, of the main character. (establish the setting of “Raljun”, main characters- “Zaydimar” ect,. , alliteration to cultural zeitgeist of Scheherzade’s paradigm ).
Zaydimar is a character that develops from tragedy, holocaust, (viscerally represented using the classic backstory of Scheherezade’s paradigm: the mad sultan, and the doom of the harem – of which Scheherazade was a heroine, bringing an end to the reign of terror, using ingenuity and peaceful means**)
**Zaydimar, is placed in a parallel circumstance. The opening quest, is a labyrinth search for (secret corridors and items, to escape, and discover) the lair of the corrupt villain.
The arcade aspect, has 3 ‘RPG/character leveling-up styles‘ ( like classes: ie, warrior, mage, thief*), fighting, climbing, and using companions.
(like a mage summoning animals, creatures to fight for her)
In this episode, Zaydimar players, can encounter the following roles:
1. Zaydimar: Executioner
2. Zaydimar: Champion
3. Zaydimar: Matriok
1. Executioner
a) disguised* as executioner; the role’s aspects, has additional factors: corruption points, despair, bloodlust, trauma.
*She has to wear a mask wherever she goes: ( can create emotes expressing the mask paradigm, necessity, and annoyance)
How it affects the quest:
If the player has too many corruption points, they cannot enter the Garden of Zendora, to have her companion, sister, parent, and friend healed from mortal injury. A game event, that occurs, when the villain retaliates, ( the object of the villain’s attack is defined, by the status of Zaydimar’s role at the time)
So, if Zaydimar, as executioner, plays as a raging-destroyer with bloodlust points, the consequences, to the story, are she cannot optimally protect , and heal her loved ones. An Rpg choice, for the players exploring the role of rage/vengeance, in the form of an indomitable woman warrior, remorselessly exerting force over those weaker. Illustrating the strength vs the weak, in the absence of conscience.
The character can be rehabilitated, by doing good deeds (mini-quests, missions) for the Lignites of the swamp, and people in the village, palace, countryside, city and arena, that are worse off than her. The consequences of momentary cruelty, and wanton violence, is juxtaposed, with the time and sophistication required to complete the mini quests, and gain compassion points.
The sequel, begins with the fall of the kingdoms, and a land run by ruthless gangs. Zaydimar the Executioner is faced with being outnumbered by enemies; on the run, hiding in caves, and surviving off the land, the institution, and her grim role dissolved, she is no longer feared, or known; disguise not necessary.
In the wild frontier of the lawless regions, she learns the value of loyalty, through animal companions, which she can take a stand to defend, ( joining the Mehkt: giant domestic cat people dwelling in trees) or form a gang from the people she interacts with, of the former regime, and try to reestablish it, by bringing together scattered loyalists, and converting new gangs, to the former regime.
Consequences of this story, when Zaydimar encounters old childhood associates, and distant relatives, she will find herself in positions of a scavenger, thief and pillager, to that which was most precious to her; her former innocence, and joy. Mini quests, will give her options, to release her childhood friends, spare them; there is potential for her to defect from the former regime, unlocking a major arc ( quest): where Zaydimar the Executioner, denounces the former regime, and has the option to take her loved ones to a safe region, explore the Caverns of Mnemoth ( finding the antechamber, and vessel, to travel to the Septendecim, and report the location of the lost Erydesis: and get backup from the Immutable Keepers), or try to annihilate the former regime, to make the land free of Suathra’s legacy.
2. Champion
b). Zaydimar the Champion:
If Zaydimar leaves the toxic environment of Raljun, for the city of Aravek, her character interacts in the arena, a new place, ( like a sports arena) where there are a variety of sports, which she can train in, and gain money and popularity.
(Arena Star, Spy, Initiate)
In the Aravek Sports Arena, she gains corruption points if she goes along with cheating, or sabotages the opponent, in order to win; but winning increases her popularity regardless. As Arena Star, she gains access to the diversions of the wealthy, clubs, paramours, and devoted fans.
This leaves the sequel story, a progression of sports challenges, and competitions, interrupted by an invasion, which she has the option to choose to fight in the battle to protect her hometown, and arena city; or watch the population of her fans, decimated by an alien horde; losing her status as an arena star, in the post occupation world.
If her corruption points increase, she is given opportunities to serve in the Raljun villain’s elite forces.
This unlocks a (mini-) quest (mission): She is faced with the option, to join the villain’s forces, initially to infiltrate and learn their weaknesses; but is given increasing money, for remaining in the comfortable service of the corrupt. And increasing popularity, resulting in being surrounded by corrupt companions ( resulting, in unexpected betrayal, thefts; and making bitter, deranged enemies)
The consequence, of joining the villain’s forces, is that she is in a position, and asked, to tax and destroy, and oppress her hometown, family, friends, and watch them come to despise her. Losing honor, and their trust.
If she continues to serve the villain, effectively, and sabotage’s her colleagues, she can rise in power, and possibly, replace their leader; the story consequence, is that she is surrounded by scheming servants, seeking to over throw her; there is no happy ending as the villain leader, just temporary undisputed authority.
This leaves the story Sequel, with Zaydimar’s role as the villain, the backstory of the villain, and resolution of the villain’s origin – returning the world Suathra came from, and facing greater villains, in a position to choose between protecting humanity from Cuj The Devourer’s invasion horde, to remain undisputed authority of Raljun; or being ruled over by the Nyhellum which Suathra defected from and paying tribute, still oppressed.
c. Zaydimar the Matriok
If she plays fairly, she is faced with unfair matches, bribed judges, and attacks from saboteurs, and threats. Her popularity is limited; but she comes to the attention of like minded honest, people.
When her honor points are high enough , she is invited to join a monastery, to become a disciple of a special martial arts. ( This option, is not presented, if she cheats, gains corruption points, or is in the service of the villain).
If she is humble, and studies the monastery library’s tomes, she unlocks ( a mini- quest, mission) the secret of her lineage.
There, she has the opportunity, to open the main quest, to unlock a powerful natural /elemental ability to synergize the weather with her actions. This is the most powerful Zaydimar can become ( by doing things which gain honor points). With her advanced martial arts skills, and comraderie with her martial arts associates, she is empowered to protect, heal her loved ones, stand against and be impervious to the villains forces, empower/ lead the weaker and change the balance of power in the kingdoms – giving her the opportunity, to return to Ral Jun, and free her former colleagues, and her family.
This leaves the story sequel, beginning with Zaydimar forming her own tribe, elected Matriok, and serving as the chief leader of the people of her land.
The main playing styles:
a) Executioner, in Raljun:
( story arcs: achievements; outcomes; unlocked missions; status)
Caliph’s Headsman, Thug Boss.
Sequel: Gangster of the Former Regime; Repentant Executioner
Story Consequence: Bloodlust points; tragic loss of loved ones ( unable to save them). Paradigm, essentially a prisoner; conflict – being stronger than the other inmates, in a toxic community; constantly asserting force, in a bleak environment; in constant fear of discovery, being betrayed, sabotaged, where goodness, and compassion are rare, and violence and oppression is ubiquitous.
b)Champion, in Aravek: Arena Star. Empress of Erydeth.
Story Consequence: Corruption points: recruited by villain’s forces; alienated, and despised by loved ones. Paradigm, getting special advantages, at the expense of the rest of the people, being associated with the villains; being popular, but surrounded by untrustworthy, foes. Access to others who have become corrupt for money, with an absence of good trustworthy friends, activities, and a loss of honor; losing access to people of integrity. And having a sense of insatiable emptiness in it’s absence. Having many extra things, but no contentment.
c) Matriok, in Zendora: Child of Hzrath, Liberator of Ral Jun.
Story consequence: Honor points: invited to learn secret martial arts in Ravilyon monestery. Through humility, and studying the monastery library, she learns the truth of her heritage. A great, unrealized potential, in her natural elemental ability ( gifted) is made aware during her training, and time in the monastery library. Learning discipline over her tremendous raw power. Using her elemental abilities to protect that which she loves, or against the villains. With her ability , she has the option to create, heal, or enrich the peaceful and mature, or oppose and subdue the corrupt and oppressive. If she develops her ability to create, the villains which remain unchallenged, weigh on her conscience. If she takes on the villains, and over powers them, the pleasure of creation, must be delayed, and omitted. And those who benefit from her effort, is their freedom, worth, the foregoing the practice of that which makes her special?