Completed a script! 300 words, 1st gig for a talented voice actress – she will return to work after Dec 30 ( young, and likely back from college visiting family through holidays). I have 2 more gigs planned for this actress.
In the meantime, I wrote a script for a talented actress that I recently discovered, that is active. 70 words. Character dialogue, to go with character art! I just put in the order ( 12/18/2019 12:01 am) and it is supposed to be delivered on Dec 19, by 11:55pm.
If you want to Read the first Script I ordered click here *
If you want to read Correspondence to voice actress, click here.
First Audio files – Actress One: Gig 1: 12 20 2019
The script is a general array, a test, to see how the actress handles the vocal directions. The audio can supplement navigation for the visual novel, and give me something to work with, as I design it. Starting off with several characters, with phrases that reflect their character, which can accompany the art, and give them more depth.
Disclaimer – Good Faith Use ( Non-Slander Agreement) – not to share or post elsewhere. Thanks! ?
Script repertoire: 12/14/2019
Voice Over-actress: Gig 1.
Commercial Rights: 300 words
Maxxene: ( curator of museum, orange hair. ) voice over application: Menu navigation. [ character lore; live in girlfriend to museum owner.]
Rylanda: ( main protagonist: early 20’s, blonde, fit, somewhat nerdy archaeologist )
Amandine: ( protagonist, supporting character; unbeknownest, mother of Rylanda. Humanoid, alien, 10feet tall, blonde hair, warrior-type)
Suathra: (main antagonist, femme fatale; sultry voiced – possibly husky voice at times; seductive phrasing/ enunciation )
Vocal direction, in parentheses. Dialogue ( word count) within “quotations”.
Section 1:
Perhaps mildy /NSFW. Nothing explicit, though, just suggestive. PG-13 probably.
Character description: Maxxene. A pixyish friend to the viewer, who behaves as a coquettish ingenue that is an assistant in helping the player navigate the game controls, and gives a tour. [ pixyish:defined: A fairylike or elfin creature, especially one that is mischievous; a playful sprite. adj. Playfully mischievous.] . Slightly like Jeanie in “I dream of Jeanie”.
[Maxxene’s following lines sound like a preening model: “preen” defined: devote effort to making oneself look attractive and then admire one’s appearance; congratulate or pride oneself.] The main application for the voice -over, is for character appearance choices within a visual novel; such as costume, hairstyle; flavor dialogue to accompany art.
Dialogues: with vocal directions.
Maxxene: (pronounced: Maxine)
Part A: Flavor dialogue, for Character appearance menu options.
- A. Maxxene: “ I changed my hair. Do you like it?”
[ vocal direction: First line said as though hair is being tied into a bun, with arm affecting voice direction and volume; sounding slightly as though a physical action is occurring while speaking. Second line, should sound clearer, slightly louder, not pre-occupied, with a direct appeal to the listener to give praise.
Application: This could accompany the player pressing a button to choose between ‘hair styles’, after they choose one for their character. Or an in-game option to change character hairstyle; like transmogrifications in Diablo 3. ]
B. Maxxene: “ My new costume,.. What do you think?
[ similar to above function. Vocal direction: first phrase can sound as though the speaker is looking down at their costume, perhaps pre-occupied with physically getting into a new costume. Followed by a slight pause, then the second phrase – an upbeat, enthusiastic, pixyish statement, that is slightly louder and faster said than the first phrase.]
C. Maxxene: “ What do you think of this new costume?”
[ vocal direction: Can be asked in an unsure tone; that implies, wondering what the viewer thinks, because Maxxene feels the costume is esoteric; esoteric is defined: adj, intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. ]
D.Maxxene: “ Ahh,… I’ve been working out! “
[vocal direction: finding self-humour in flexing muscles; smug vanity.]
E. Maxxene: “Hmm,.. my birthday suit. “
[ vocal direction: sort of facetiously casual, showing off; Facetious: defined: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant ]
F. Maxxene: “ I took off my clothes,… how do you want me?”
[ vocal direction: 1st phrase said casual, innocent. 2nd phrase said sultry; a lower tone, in the direction of a husky whisper.
Application: innuendo that suggests seductive undertones in pose choice, for nude figure drawings, navigated by player choice. ]
Fb. Maxxene: “ I took off my clothes,… how do you want me?”
[vocal direction: Repeat the phrase with casual innocent tone maintained throughout.
Application: a nude model posing, in a manner of fact professional capacity]
G. Maxxene: “ Like this?”
[ Vocal direction: pixyish tone. As though a question, ‘Am I doing this right?” Sounding dubious, unsure. Letting the question linger, by the tone accenting the second word more than the first. Dubious: defined: hesitating or doubting. not to be relied upon; suspect. of questionable value. ]
H. Maxxene: “ Oh, no,… that’s terrible!”
[ vocal direction: in first phrase, the second word, ‘no’ lingers in emphasis longer than the first word. The tone is slightly horrified, like shocked at the sudden sight of something unpleasant; ie, seeing the cell phone damage, or mud on the carpet. The second phrase, sounds like a slightly angry rejection. As though condemning the idea. The volume can crescendo – reaching a peak in the last word. ]
I. Maxxene: “ Ooo,… you like that?” “How about this?”
[ vocal direction: imagine a stripper, preening, in front of an audience, rubbing oil on herself, before a drooling audience of lonely men; sort of taunting, perhaps, some mockery, and slight, barely perceptible, condescension in the voice. Definitely doesn’t sound unsure, and is not so much a question, as an assertion. ]
65 words.
Part B: Some dramatic lines, to accompany general events. An acting range test: an eclectic array, for testing applying audio to 2-d visuals in Renpy.
- Maxxene: “ What happened to Bewpo?”
[ Vocal direction: Bew-po is pronounced as a compound word with emphasis on the second syllable. The bew-po is a small friendly dog companion. And spoken of like a beloved pet nickname. The tone should be sad. As though seeing the weakened pet, and worrying aloud.]
- Maxxene: “ I miss him.”
[Vocal direction: Trying to convey the loss, of a beloved pet. Not long after it’s passing. Still raw emotion, being difficult to contain, and from a place of grief. ]
- Maxxene: “ We were too late.” “ We couldn’t save them all.” “ He’s gone.”
[vocal direction: similar to above directions]
18 words
Part C: Mentor/ training commands.
- Maxxene: “ I’m looking forward to this.”
[ Vocal directions: sounding like a stoic conservative war leader, who has seen a lot and is not easily impressed, expressing a visceral physical anticipation of action; conveying humility born of experience, implying wisdom and expertise. Voice Act A: with two variations of tone:
1. Straight, eager, energetic, aggressive, edgy
2. Sultry ]
10 words
- Maxxene: “It’s time.” “ Begin.”
[ Vocal directions: similar to above.
Application, reusable sound bits, like in arcade combat games, marking the start; should be clear, and somewhat emphasized, with an understated stentorian quality. Stentorian defined: (of a person’s voice) loud and powerful. ]
Voice Act B: with three variations of tone:
1. Straight, eager, energetic, aggressive, edgy
2. Sultry
3. Serious, deadpan, monotone, laconic
9 words.9 = 10 = 19 words
Part D: Map locations; items, ( “You are in,..” followed by name. “ You have found,…” followed by name. “ You have reached,..” followed by name. Application: choose your own adventure, Renpy visual novel, exploration flavor dialogue, to accompany 2-d images, when encountered in game.
- Maxxene: “ You are in,..”
Repeat this phrase accompanied by the following made-up location names ( with just enough pause between the phrase and the location name; that it can be spliced, to be used separately for map locations: ie, “Erydeth” when mouse highlights, or is clicked on):
1.“Erydeth” ( pronounced Airy – Death).
2. “P’munte river “ ( pronounced: Poo- Moon tee).
3. “ Nasimede “ (pronounced Naz ih – as in ‘it’- meade)
4. “Raljun” ( pronounced Ral – as in Val – June. )
5. “Talverna” ( pronounced: Tal – as in val – Vern na – as in ah )
6. “Rydor” ( pronounced Wry – Door)
7. “The Bn’ thosf Oram ‘En “ ( pronounced: Ben Thoss – as in floss – fore amen )
[ Vocal Directions: Imagine being a tour bus guide, or park ride tour guide; or museum tour speaker. Tone should be welcoming, inviting, feeling like a warm inn that an rpg gamer wants to return to in the evenings to be unconditionally loved by a simulated bar tender or beloved guest in a friend’s home.
Application: dialogue will be repeatedly engaged whenever using the map to travel, should ideally be soothing, and aesthetically pleasing to hear upon repetition. ]
4 x 7 = 28 + 1 = 29 words- Subtotal = 131 words
“You have reached,..” ( followed by location)
[ Vocal direction: similar as above Application: For areas and items not on the map, discovered by exploring pages in the visual novel ]
- “The shore”
- “An uncharted island.”
- “A castle.”
- “A dungeon”
- “A guillotine”
- “The gallows”
- “The throne room”
- “The surface of the planet”
- “ A forge”
- “A cook’s kitchen”
- “ A chopping block “
- “A garden”
- “ A library”
13 x 5 = 65 + 7 = 72 words
Subtotal: 203 words
Character Phrases (intros)
Character Description: Rylanda: 21 year old, blonde, woman. Enthusiastic, sweet, slightly tomboyish, generally bright, kind and energetic. Eager to go on an adventure, trying to find her lost uncle Risande, and skilled at survival, archaeology, and equipped with a team to investigate the P’munte jungle, where Risande disappeared, while onto some big secret discovery.
Rylanda( pronounced: Ri – as in wrist – land – ah); Risande (pronounced: Riz – And)
[Vocal directions: similar to the voice that is in demo sample: First sample: 7 seconds in. Sort of an accent. Generally reminiscent of a European well educated person with good manners. Not heavily affected, should sound somewhat natural. ]
- Rylanda: “ I’m Rylanda. “
[ Vocal Directions: Like a friendly camp counselor, greeting a new camper, to express they won’t bite, and are in fact hoping you have a good time ]
- Rylanda: “Uncle Risande disappeared on an expedition into the P’munte forest. “
[Vocal Directions: Said as someone would speak of a relative that they are concerned about; sounding like a worried child, stating their parent was in an accident, and in the ER. Spoken with a sense of gravity, and confiding the tragedy to the viewer; initiating a sense of trust.]
- Rylanda:“ His journal may have clues.”
[Vocal Directions: Sounding hopeful, and determined to search.]
- Rylanda: “ My colleagues and I are ready for adventure. ”
[Vocal Directions: Confidant, optimistic, and full of hope and reminiscent of the anticipation and joy of getting a driver’s license and driving with friends for the first time.]
25 words -Subtotal = 228
Character Description: Suathra: 47, femme fatale, black hair; alternate sultry, to mean- shouting, scary.
Suathra: ( pronounced: Soo ‘oth’– as in moth – Ra )
[Vocal directions: similar to the voice that is in demo sample: 4 microphone pages to the right: around 1:00 , where voices drops slightly in tone to a guttural, and in general the ambiance of seductiveness.
Ideal, if you could drop lower in pitch a bit when voicing the harsh expressions of the character, without sounding affected, or exaggerated- that sounds natural, if possible: alternating between sweet and sultry to a deeper tone ( almost abrasive).
Like Tress Macneille’s Millionara Vanderbucks – from Duck Tales ]
- Suathra: ”Suathra,.. but you will call me,…”
[Vocal direction: sweet/sultry tone]
Ab. Suathra: ”… Empress!!”.
[Vocal direction: abrasive/villainess tone]
Suathra: “(laughter; bordering on maniacal cackling, yet still feminine, and still sane)”
[Vocal direction: indulgent on the villainous, laugh, as though taking time to enjoy it].
- Suathra: “ No man can defy my will indefinitely! “
[Vocal Direction: slightly abrasive contentious villainess tone; spoken assertively, icy, declaration, somewhat callous and surly ]
- Suathra: “Ohhh,… I know many ways to,..”
[Vocal Direction: (First phrase, a self indulgent, expression of pleasure, sweet/sultry, as though preoccupied by a thought, and lingering in the reverberation of the expression for the thought’s duration. Second phrase, sort of seductive, slowly enunciated, set-up, for a contrasting ‘villainous bark’]
D.b Suathra: “.. Get my Way!”
[Vocal Direction: slightly abrasive; switch to aggression, forceful; ie,.. Cruelle De ville, and any harsh female villain )
- Suathra: “I will,.. not be,.. denied…”
[ Vocal direction: (whispered, legato,.. steely tone, menacing; sort of drifting off, into a hypnotic hiss, fading stealthily to inaudibility; like someone whispering a threat through clenched teeth; slowly, to express emphasis in a foreboding way.]
28 words – Subtotal = 256
Character Description: Amandine: 39, Brigadier, – Biresan race ( 10 feet tall; humanoid) blonde. Military career, serious, neutral, even-tone; can be forceful. Very clear and concise; like someone used to giving quick commands all day. [Secret Mother of Rylanda ( a human hybrid).]
Amandine: (Pronounced: aman Deen); Biresan: ( pronounced: Beer ee san– as in sand); Eronstone: ( pronounced: Air Run stone)
[Vocal directions: similar to the voice that is in demo sample: 3rd microphone background page to the right. The narrative of a video game mission. ]
- Amandine: “I amBrigadierAmandine. “
[Vocal direction: said as though to calmly instill a sense of order to a new cadet. As though, ‘this is who I am, undisputed’; an attitude of a warrior who is indomitable in spirit]
- Amandine: “ The Eronstone cannon is the most feared in the Biresan fleet. Only the elite serve my ship. “
[Vocal direction: first phrase sounding like a proud general, understated bragging – last phrase almost arrogant; though somehow inspiring achievement.]
- Amandine: “Attack!”
[Vocal direction: Loudest volume, a cutting war cry. Reminiscent of Bruce Lee’s tone when making noises during combat, should sound fierce, rather than a teacher slightly raising their voice.]
- Amandine: “ The struggle is real. Welcome to the fleet! ”
[Vocal Direction: (The first phrase, said matter of factly, with a soberness, that needs no further qualification, of the harshness of the conflict. After a pause; the second phrase, in a slightly brighter, and almost abruptly contrasting warmth and enthusiasm.
Like Tommy Wiseau’s famous line delivery, from “The Room”: “I did not hit her! I did not!” juxtaposed with a casual, friendly“ Oh, Hi Mark” ) ]
- Amandine: “You can’t defeat us! More ships will come. Until you butchers are driven out!”
[Vocal direction: First phrase is said slightly hysterical, in a rage, despite being overpowered. (defiant, shouting) Second line said like an informer, warning their big brother is going to come and get you. ( struggling; sounding restrained by guards) Third phrase said as desperation, is fortified by rage, and hatred coming from a sense of justice. ( angry, louder, but controlled, like the composure of a commander)
42 words-300