Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’ [2022]
LuridMax Season3 main Menu; Serpyntera; Cygni Gremian; LM3 Live Feed.
Season Six
Nov 2024
Nov 3 – 11:20 am Still have plan to make unique art and post it as Lurid Max. Also have a plan to make an archive of ‘some’ of the content that I had downloaded over the past decades, of the forum that had started as MA art ? ( il pollalio), which then became ‘Dolcettish’, ( and had sponsors posting updates to Annabelles Dreams). At the time these came out, I was in my early twenties, and there was nothing else on par, in their particular genre. The Art I posted ( the Apocrypha) was art I creasted independently, and prior to discovering tha aforementioned – now, seemingly vanished without a trace site.
I don’t plan to make a domain, and then populate it with Lurid Max content, plus archives of images I downloaded from the former site; I think this would be an invasion of the domain, for others who are more vested in the site, should they try to bring it back. However, I had an idea for a site that could function to showcase, art, to a wider audience. Which I would post links by message, privately to vetted members of the Lurid Max Subscribe star; probably sometime mid 2025?
My current schedule, is starting to be shaped; I am almost on top of my duties; and with my current studio set up; as soon as I start drawing again, I forsee being able to pencil, ink and color within ? 3 months, a full sized comic. Jan- April ( 4 months) I expect to be able to work on art with far less distractions ( duties).
Aug 2024
Aug 9 – 3:17pm I have a plan for developing content Lurid Max. ( and other brands). Yesterday after a marathon of labor, I got my display tablet into the main room where I am watching for an elderly relative to prevent falls or wandering outside. Basically, once I have all the hardware installed for the devices I use to surveil and communicate in the role of caregiver, I can probably work on art and the screenplay dialogue, and start hiring again, and developing the content for game makers.
It’s been 3 months since critical, high alert state, looking after elderly relative; and I have since installed multiple security system devices, and arranged the interior items ( in the what the nurses invovled in the case, said was a very cluttered house- now it is far less ).
Have acquired the parts for an AM5 pc, – and been enjoying the higher quality sound from the 2 floor standing speakers I installed aerlier the past month or so. I have been drawing, and more ideas for comics, and games – exciting that I anticipate having time, to bring some drawings , into inked pieces to color on the digital tablet, and into game makers probably this year.
When I complete editing, the dialogue I have made from 3 years worth of compiled journals ( aphoristic lurid scenes to accompany any of the drawing scenes posted here and in exodus; it will then something unique that I can create- ( visual comics, fully colored, with word ballons ( player optiosn for scenes; Ren’py visual novel engine; with audio for the text and music; this alone, will be remarkable, to me, and worth the effort)* .
*it takes time to acquire these technological parts, devices ect. To build a pc, have to read about each part, how they interact, browse amongst various brands, and models, read forums, reviews, , wathc you tube videos; the parts are expensive; try to get them on sale; reading, time on the internet looking sales history, comparing products. Products take weeks to ship sometime, some are large, take up space, and /or heavy; Have to make space to store the parts until they arrive; all this costs money; takes time to look up credit acocunts, and keep on track of the payments, and compare ZIP, afterpay, affirm, and other payment methods. The effort and stress of acquiring money, ( outside of earning). Then the time, unbox, read instructions, assemble – requiring tools, locating them, getting into positions; doing the tedious task, with fragile parts, without damaging the requires concentration and dexeterity. And, for the caregivign, the cell phone, and security cameras, and isntalling them physically, throughout the hosue and property, installing the synch modules, batteries. Getting 2 tablets, and a faster phone, with a cooler, armored case, screen protector; monitor upgrades for the devices ( 4 monitors, and their screen protectors). The camera, and camera gear; including the cinema stand, videography lighting; – there is still firmware to update in the camera ( camera gear: sling bag; low light fast shutter lens for indoor concerts; filters ( reading about filters; filter brands), camera body skin ( armor), camera cage, microphone, gimbal; and reading about the other accesories which I have yet to get; and looking over the current VR headsets.
My point is, that the video game is acheivable, and there are various stages of work to be done. If I kept posting sketches, and never took the time to do any of the other things, then like most artists posts, all we would have is more black and white sketches. This was never my goal. The sketches are my ideas on paper as fast as possible. I want to see inked and fully colored pieces. I learned in the process that more powerful PC’s make it possible to do it faster; whereas intensity of muscle movement will not speed up beyond the bottle neck of the pc – this concept applied to every aspect of video game design, accounts for the work accomplished in the past couple years. I now have a high end AM4, and AM5 ( yes, I know, consumer , toys; they say compared to a threadripper; but more than adequate for now; Ren’py game, with orignal audio. By the sketches, you can tell, the scenes are all designed. And by the artists I hired, it’s clear that from any of these sketches, a fully colored inked piece can be created, by someone other than me. So the Audio, I have yet to fully release, but from the samples, it’s evident, that many actresses have participated in saying terms related directly to the lurid images, which I have rarely found as such. This is the project I have grappled with, for a couple years. I know, in the attention span of a video game, that seems a lot longer – but when the game is played, for the first time, it will be apparrent what the value was. And also the prudence, in proceeding to acquire as much of the lurid permutations of dialogue as possible, from talented, straight actresses ( straight in the sense of, actual theatrical acting; versus, a pornstar reading every line in the same tone), prior to releasing the product; and to have the brand names, utilized ideally, to prevent the images and audience comments, from prejudicing the actresses one way or another on the tone of the project. There are actresses who will say virtually anything; but it’s a lot more effective to not have a certain reputation associated online to a brand, when I am trying to direct actresses. So there is a reason that the screenplay is developed, and I don’t post it, as yet.
I write this, because I recently practiced using Corel Painter using my huion kamvas gt -191 display tablet, and realized what kind of workflow I could eventually have. I practiced drawing, and after a couple weeks, I am at a level that in my opinion is worthy of developing high quality art.
My younger relative, whose alcoholism had been the focal point of my concerns for the past several years, admitted theirself to rehab, and moved out with their spouse. I have, in the past 3 days, cleaned teh cat urine, debris, feces, ect, that was accumulating in the room they occupied, and its effect on the adjacent rooms ; so that I could use the large common room, to color digitallly and write, while I screen record the olympics on the other pc. It is an exciting time, to be a creative content creator; for me; now that I have the devices, to work from home, and ready to pencil, ink, scan, color, – and powerful enough computers, to quickly video edit, do audio engineering, programming, posting, ect,..
Rather than make an estimated time; when I have art related to a brand I will post it on that brand blog. I have a plan for a new website, – ( after I take time to read on how to set it up; I’d like to make a website forum, where people can register with their emails; and see a sort of public gallery; then if they want more controversial lurid pre code horror content; to pay for a subscription, ( like spotify) , and then I have more security, knowing each individual ( since payments are linked to the info of actual individuals; unlike emails which can be anonymous). For now, I would probably post sketches relevant – here; And then update as I decide what to feature here on Lurid Max. I have a very specific vision for Lurid Max. I didn’t leave it on stand by, to abandon. I spent time aquiring the components, to make remarkable quality content. And from what I have seen, it won’t take as long to generate new content; with certain visual assets, reused ( backgrounds ; physiques; character designed) ; at some point, games can be made, and new pages, developed, (at the speed of CGI comic book artists) but using 2-d art. I still want to make comics; it’s just, the unknown duration tasks I try to accomplish first; I already have made comics, and know about it; once I have made some video games; it is not as complex a task, to spend a couple months making a web comic.
Thanks for your interest and support over the years, that makes this such a rewarding endeavor.
July 2024
July 21 -11:51 pm An image I started working on today , for a sequence-[ wanted to finish the outline, and possibly ink- but I needed to stop sketching, and eat dinner; also need to start getting up earlier, – hopefully I can continue asap.**]
( several sequences, that I wrote out tee layout description, and comicbook plot for):

[ I find Corel Painter is much easied to seamlessly connect two scans of a 14″ x 17″ ( my preferred size for compositions- since approx 1992 *]
*: when I was first introduced to bristol board by my studio art teacher; a stunningly gorgeous, tall , leggy blonde, who I had a crush on the moment I saw her, when I was signing up for class- I guess we all got used to her appearance over time- but I noticed the shop teacher and other guys always hitting on her ( grown men in their 40’s) – we joked alot, as youngsters, and it wasn’t until after some undergrad art classes at an expensive college away from home, that I realized what a superb art teacher I was fortunate enough to have had in highschool; everything I learned to make my highest quality inks ( that still stand out to this day, ) I development in her class. And she held me in high regard ( my art was winning contests) and always treated me with respect; even the gory horror art- she admired the skill; and never made me feel awkward about the subject matter. Even when I visited her in my early twenties, to show her the full size 4ftx 3 foot paintings I was doing, she seemed to admire my art, and complimented me; a real classy woman; who seemed always the same age, in her prime. ( though I didn’t get around to visiting her again after 2001)
** Been staying up till past 4 am for weeks- looking after a frail relative; and there is an upcoming event that would be ideal if I attend. ( in the sense of intervening in the health of the inhabitants where I live.
– 1:30am

July 20 – 9:19pm what I might do, is post sketches* of scenes, that I haven’t finished detailing or inking ( since I want to complete the images , before posting to the exodus site).
* I arranged the studio, so I can reach the the scanner; I’ve been sketching for past several days. [ Not sure if and who still has access and is regularly checking this blog- but I can mention on the exodus site, that I updated here, and give the password again- just in case)
July 17 – 5:49 pm I am setting up a link to a page, on this site, so I can access art stored here ( for reference, for artists I am currently commissioning, and as references for me to draw layouts, for them). So, regarding the below plans- they were delated; numerous family members in crisis; and things that required nearly all my attention, physical effort. ( Currently, an elderly relative, is recovering, and I have some time to work on lurid pre-code illustrations).
So this link: Exodus References 2024: is currently private, ( till I have time to work on the sketch, and sort the images, – for anonymity ( some were images from the internet, and drawings associated with mainstream).
For anyone that only has access to this blog; I have nearly completed a large aspect of the project ( as previously mentioned) ; have had multiple artists, render characters and scenes. I have multiple fast workstation pc’s, and sound engineering equipment. Scripted alot of ‘game designs’ , and graphic novels, and episodes of series.
Sept 2023
Sept 17 – 11:08pm I just posted this to the DA page ( I just realized the previous status update was for ‘subscribers’ only- this is good) :
” I am broadening the scope of the Season Six material; to create content at the highest quality I can; upgraded my pc’s, and a new desk, and organized the extensive reference material in my studio/ Pre-Code horror comicbook art/ magazine museum. Campaign for Season Six, is currently TBA.”
– 10:53pm Just to clarify, all the below, is to say, Why the launch will be moved to a later time. In the meantime, I still want to push for fully colored art updates.
( I will probably try to update the subscribe star and DA page, to mention,:
” I am broadening the scope of the Season Six material; to create content at the highest quality I can; upgraded my pc’s, and a new desk, and organized the extensive reference material in my studio/ Pre-Code horror comicbook art/ magazine museum. Campaign for Season Six, is currently TBA.”
( I am working on this non stop; just taking longer than I estimated, due to some unexpected technical delays, related to a digital coloring software not launching on intended device, and a fruitless labyrinth of customer support trouble shooting suggestions)
The launch date of Sept 18 was achievable, if continued to pencil and ink at the rate I was at the time of the suggested launch date; however, some windfalls that occurred, which I think will make the new comic book pages even better, though they took up a couple weeks worth of time.
Rather than name a new date, for now, I will aim for posting a colored images, for subscribers, at the usual locations. And when I have a completed all the planned content, I will announce it a week before: then set it to auto post the preview pages – and set up a link to free web page open to the public; and a link to subscribe star for additional content.
– 10:35pm – So, on the Eve of the ( tentative; prior announced – optimistic ) launch date, of Sept 18. I want to update. Almost there. Had some great developments.
Rather than detail the labyrinth of technical tasks, I will reassure, and honor your attention, by a) keeping weekly updates, until the art is colored ( my desired update format: I really would like to get a work flow, with colored art; I have taken steps to make this happen, soon, and streamlined the different work stages, by upgrading and optimizing.
Delays: 1) CSP version 2, I made sure to get while one time purchase
( however, it won’t open on my intended device: CSP, has a trouble shooting list; the steps took up over an entire day; to still not launching on my Legion S7 ( faster laptop than my L340). ( but it works on my other devices; CSP support, not helpful. )
Installed 900 and 100 watt Uninterruptible Power Supplies, for both $7 k workstation PC’s ( that I built in 2021-2022); using an APC ( schneider electric 900watt for mine; and a 1000 watt for the one I gave my younger brother).
I sorted stacks of art, ( refamiliarizing myself with what pencillings I have, and sort them by category: a) physiques ( studies, from work ) worth redrawing b) detailed compositions that are Superb, and worth inking and coloring as is ( digitally). [ I can go into it more later.]
Acquired new hardware: New Art Inking desk
I found a ‘like new’ professional art studio desk, in the front of a yard, of someone’s property in my neighborhood, ( basically, the code here, is, any furniture left to the side of the road; where the garbage is picked up, is meant for any passerby, to be welcome to pick up. ). It’s like the desks from my Art college ( and the one’s I’ve seen pro comic inks use). I picked it up; refurbished it ( the desk was installed upside down; probably why it was being given away; I disassembled it, and reassembled it, cleaning it up, and installing the ‘brand new’ art studio desk in my studio ( putting the mabef easel I’ve been using since 2009, into another room). [ followed, was outfitting it with lights ]
I bought frozen fish, for my alligator snapper turtle, so I have not had an urgent reason to go kayacking ; allowing me to work on creative content daily. [ Also, cooking in advance, to avoid delays, interacting with brother’s wife, when she spends hours cooking stir fry. ]
Aug 23 – 12:12pm
3 Days drawing for LuridMax. [ 8 pgs semi detailed layouts ( 11 x 17″) and 8 pgs 8 x 14″ rough layout]. Several days into the preparation for Season Six. ( I know we skipped some back there; but that’s ordinary, with the pandemic). I am currently aiming for Sept 18, 2023, release. Basically TBA; but I am grinding at the easel, now that my studio has the devices installed, and I have taken the time to learn some gamemaking; mostly related to visual and sound assets, in 2-d gamemakers; have some game designs I want to try.
I plan to try to replicate cyancapsule’s* business model: public content, comics, and visual novel; that continue at a $1 tier for the rest of the story of the comics $2 tier for ‘censored’ (I have seen DA, Pixiv fanbox, and others, getting more censored), so I can keep my pages that trigger them, completely uncensored at my own website; $3 tier for latest versions of the visual novel.
This model should allow me to work at whatever pace I work, and not get overwhelmed with the appetite of viewers that out pace my speed of workflow; so I can still focus on detailed : art & stories.
And I am excited to have stories – instead of just sequences, or fan art re-imaginings.
I am planning to draw, ink, color everything myself, – the coding is the easiest part; and over time I can reuse assets.
I plan on doing this semi-fulltime, until I have enough content to run the Sept 18 – Oct 18. I wanted to announce it ( since there has been little to no activity with this brand of my art, for awhile). Once I start posting completed work, It will be a race to keep up the pace. Although, I anticipate, not having time to write much else than my scripts, and time to post new work; I always appreciate hearing from viewers who enjoy some specific aspect of the artwork.
Once I finish some art, I hope to announce the upcoming campaign publically.
Been awhile since I did this; should be interesting.
I plan to conservse my time and energy for creating ( I have alot of responsibilities outside of the internet, and am very physically active)so this time around I am not planning to focus on social media; I want to have my artwork more accessible, and keep my own comments out of the conversation ; let my art work and stories be the main thing; the viewers comments for better or worse, should have little impact on my work output. So I create, then post, and create and post, and see how many subscribers accumulate at the $1-$3 tiers. If in 3 months, I am making anywhere near cyancapsule, then I can continue, full-time, if not, then I will work manual labor again, and just hire others, and share it with the original founding members of the LuridMax Pre-Code Renaissance.
This isn’t over.
It has just begun.
NOV 2022
Nov 7 – 12:45pm Been posting regularly to the Exodus page ( all members with access to this page, should have access to Exodus). I had set up alot of artists working on new content. My full-time job funds, make it possible to expand my content beyond what I previously imagined. To post here, and on Exodus, would be the eventual goal. For now, my project on Exodus, is fully engaging my time, and current team of artists. But, I encountered a new artist, who can make content for me ( as a artist) – based on the several stories ( titles, worlds, whatever,.. they can be called ) I designed for Lurid Max Season ? ( later I can check the #) . I renewed the domain registration for Luridmax for 2 years β³( just now). πβ¨.
I might try to develop Serpentera. That could look really interesting ( I already mapped out basic names, characters, – in the formula of episodic cartoons; ie, heroes , villians, lairs, basic fiction( fantasy ( ie Magic) artifice, power values for aforementioned, and general look, ) [ The Cygni Gremian story, I would like to develop also; but I think, the Serpentera one is the easiest to start with, because it is very open ended, and features medieval tropes, and looks similar to art I have currently prepared; Cygni Gremian is moving in the direction of H.R. Giger, Joh Byrne, Biomechanics, cyborgs, cyberpunk, space, planets, eloi vs morlock, “naked and afraid”; to look right, would need some gritty, informed anatomical reference, and esoteric character designs, ie “walking dead” ; and it would be good to design robots for it, rather than simple make 1st derivations of Harlan Ellison/ James Cameron* “Terminator” – * I love T2, but I read somewhere, that legendary ornery speculative fiction writer, Harlan Ellison, wrote a screenplay, that James basically lifted scenes from Harlan Ellison, and neglected to give the older Ellison credit. ]
OCT 2022
Oct 24 – 1:38pm The expectation for this feed, is to resume normally, within seven days. I have next 3 days off. The colorist is ready for more assignments ( she fully recovered: some artists/actress freelancers I collaborate with, live in areas affected by the War ). So at my next bi -monthly pay check, I plan to hire her again.
Monthly summary: I had more training, by video; for assembling furniture ect,.. large items; and the new tasks involved certain fitness/stamina, which I have now reached a higher level ( making the task easier). Protocols for assembly in owners home, vs truck; working with helper; vice versa. Driving various size trucks ( despist not having CDL; operating large trucks with air brakes).
The pay is way better. Hours are longer ( but easier on the body than warehouse 8hr standing). Co-worker, integrated, and has position of influence, advantageous to me.
I fronted cash, for 2 separate households, to get their own apartments, to spare them being homeless for an extended time ( ie another month). Coordinating the transfers, required, ( given certain daily limits), resulted in the process being more complex, than anticipated. But, the result is, both are productive members of my current employer, and I have regular positive interactions; they are grateful, and I am seeing the payoff – in advance of the return on the debt, in the interactions.
Oct 3 – 6:02 am I have today and tomorrow off.
SEPT 2022
I mostly updated the Exodus page. During this month, I was starting a new job. Each week I was assigned training videos ( 4 – 8 hrs) , after 10hr shifts, and took a driving test; beginning new role as driver; for ehavy packages ( 200-500lbs). On all time off, I scrambled, to make the most of the time remaining: a) buying tools, equipment, uniforms (stingy DSP, doesn’t readily provide uniforms); new lunch boxes, bags ( 5) , backpack ( 2), and weekly bulk groceries, and gas ( higher priced). I mentioned to 8 co-workers, the better paying job, and also, convinced a co-worker, to join. [ meanwhile, the colorist I had hired, ran into severe health crisis, and was not producing content during this time.] I appreciate those who continued to support the subscribestar page. Thank You.
AUG 2022
Aug 20 – 4:17pm updated DA LuridMax. [ and SubscribeStar page, with a new cover.]

– 2:56pm Updated Exodus with 10 images; and LuridMax with remasters of an Apocrypha 1 page comic. My colorist did two versions. I enjoy seeing her layered color versions. Link to fullsize Aug Monthly Gallery. π

July 20 – 10:20 am Anway, I updated exodus with new images from artists I commissioned.
– 10:14 am I noticed 2 notes on Luridmax DA ( Core)- my avatar, and banner were gone; and a template was removed ( that had race pose physique in title: basically a nude asian, muscle woman, in a lurid pre code horror scene). ( they were dated Jun 22, Jun 29) Silly. I can see how this annoys other creators, to leave DA. I don’t update the DA page much, or post full detailed images there anyway. I reposted my avatar, and posted a cross section of a recently colored, remastered apocrypha 2 panel. In it, there is no actual gore.
[ My page has been unbothered by DA, since 2018 Sept: over 3 years. neither the banner, image, or avatar has been changed, and they were already posted 3 years ago. Not sure what suddenly made them come to the attention of DA policy. Likely some one reported it. Not sure what the point is. Someone who reported it, would likely be a person who doesn’t like the content – not sure why such a person would be at my page ( especially given, that my page was left alone after the troll war, I encountered from the spammer, and all the reports, and accounts of his which DA blocked). Silly.
July 13 – 6:08 pm , updated Exodus with 2 more process sketches, Getting onboarded to a new possibly better job ( pays more; and is closer to what I originally wanted to do , last year when I first started applying to entry level essential functions jobs. If things work out, I would be earning enough, to pay off my credit, get a brand new vehicle, and have the visual novel, fully financed. π possibly within a year or 2; and then be able to return to studio work, with possibly minimal part time or seasonal at the 1st place ( should I retain it).
July 8 – 6:37pm updated Exodus with new process image of a lurid series ( by an artist I commissioned, that does full colored, and Marvel comicbook style; in my opinion) ; Updated 3rd site, with Game Design, documents ( from Feb, and today, with an essay, defining game genre), and sent to the programmer. Next day off is after several days. [ next time in the studio I want to draw mostly, from the layouts, and storyboards I wrote today. )
July 5 – 8:18pm Updated Exodus with a new commissioned piece ( lurid fully rendered digital painting- I honestly think this came out as iconic as ” Kiss of the Axe”, but more brutally gruesome, and nude ( more muscle definition) and with OC’s IP.
July 1 – 4:59pm. My plan is to post art here, around July 7 or 8th ( on my next several days off). I drew all day today, and feel I made good accomplishments. Time is the factor. I used to spend 6 hours a week, scanning 11 x 17″ sketches in progress. For the past couple months, I’ve been drawing on 14 x 17″ ( which has to be connected, after scanning, to complete the image: this adds time, instead of 5 minutes to post , it takes 1//2 hr to 2 hours, to scan, and connect several 14 x17″ ). So, rather than spend the time, scanning incomplete sketches, and connecting them (which takes more time than finishing them: in 1 hour I can make a basic layout on 19 x 24″ ). If I post less quantity, – maybe just once a week; the most detailed, complete of my newer drawings. My goal is to complete, detailed, colored, inked work. Keeping up the website posts, subtracts 6 hours from availible drawing time each week. Rather than post alot of sketches. Let’s see how it goes, with the new plan. I won’t look at the subscribe star, until I have time to finish something worth posting. [ I made some progress, with a longstanding fan -art commission; studying the logo, costume, and I planned ( awhile ago) a larger production, for the fan art scenes; which can be done, but takes more time. ] [ The old system, of posting sketches every week, only made sense, when I was in the studio 7 days week, and had no income. I work in a warehouse, and I have 4 other days, to create ( either art, writing, or web pages; – ) Today I didn’t use the computer to write, or for more than a few minutes ( and I got alot of drawing done; and feel much better about everything). I plan to reduce the amount of commitments I make to freelancers ( last month , I hired over 13 actresses, and 13 artists; the correspondence, took up 3 out of 4 days I had in the studio, every week: and I still have more than5 actresses, I need to spend an entire morning, correcting their mispronounciations ( listening, writing feedback, and revisions: sometimes 3 times over: the more budget, the more mistakes). And each artist, wanted more references, for props, and details I didn’t think of; this is good, it finally starts to create the backgrounds; but it is like drawing a landscape; it’s not the same as drawing comics ( which feels like being a director; drawing references, feels like art school assignments).
JUNE 2022
June 24 – 12:29 pm Fastner and Larson responded, and will be working on an illustration* for me. And planning to get a $1 K marker and air brush from them, at the end of the year, and 4 color pencil or so* .
- [ out of six images, I can have a variety of poses and expressions, which I can reimagine however I like; for this or other brands] And even hire other artists willing to draw/digitally paint gore [ I have found a couple ] to create variations of my favorite ( and other subscriber’s favorites) pre-code horror images: includoing ” Kiss of the Axe” ; ” Sexecutioner” by Fastner and Larson; Tarnsman of Gor by Boris Vallejo; and any pre code horror cover, panel; – and sequence that I creater based on it; for current digitally rednering artists to fully paint. π
*( regardless, whether sfw; I can study the original, and make variants
June 21 – 9:31 pm Lots of updates to Exodus ( since previous date here) , and today updated massive info to 3rd website. I discovered a new artist, who can illustrate lurid pre code horror scenes, such as implied below, in full digital color ( much faster turnaround than most). I think you will be impressed when you see his work.
I will post his work when he completes it, probably in 2 week ( and in process) on Exodus. Until I assign him some projects specifically for Cygni Gremian.
Which you may have seen posted to a Collection. I looked through his site with VIP access, for scores of useful references, ( but it took me 9 hours, on a day before work, and left me sort of not in the mindset, or physical ideal state for the 3 day marathon that followed ; for a hectic holiday : Father’s Day.
Btw, Happy Father’s Day, to whomever it concerns! [ I have 2 days off, so I will take a nap, then get up, and sketch with intermittent physical exercise. Goal is to finish a reference ( by June 22, 3pm) for the aforementioned artist. I can post my base nude sketches here.
[ I am mostly overwhelmed because I coordinated with more freelancers than I expected, who randomly contact me, simultaneously; interrupting what time remains for me to post new content: but I have steadily created art each week.]
June 4 – 5:39pm – I added a connected 19 x 24″ to March Monthly Gallery!. π*.

May 23 – 12:43 pm – The female colorist posted process images ( on discord)- I updated March Monthly Gallery!. π*

May 20 – 3:25 pm – I coordinated with over 20 freelancers over past 48 hrs. I have more days off, in a row, coming soon. ( May 22, and 23). Wrote alot. Have ideas for art. ( and plenty, as yet, unposted, lurid art that needs to be connected, or scanned ) Want to draw the rest of this evening. and Try to update with my art on May 22 or 23. Thanks for your interest.
May 14 6:18 pm – The female colorist posted process images ( on discord)- I updated March Monthly Gallery!. π*

The first image, she digitally colored ( began ; this is a process) my line art. The 2nd, she redid my line art ( I think that is so cool – I am ecstatic to see this) [ Lot of things going on in the world – she is also concerned about the affects of the war; on the food and economy, and safety of relatives. ) I wish everyone the best.

My original line art ( inspired by a Victor Rinaldi) 2. My GIMP colored version.
I always wanted to see this colored with layers, and drawn a little more cleaned up. I might still redraw it sometime.
May 10 – 5:30 pm – ( there are 5 newly posted actress recordings. to the 5th website ) I updated exodus with current schedule, ( upcoming studio days; commissions in progress). My colorist is working on another Apocrypha image ( which I will update here and on subscribe star). With my fast Pc, and funds from part time work, I am seeing the potential to populate 5 websites with content. And enjoyed a fresh experience with a brand, kept separate from here, with viewers interacting. So all the subterfuge is paying off. I finally can enjoy DA again. I have images I should be able to work on the day after tomorrow, and update here within a week. Thanks for staying tuned.
May 1 – 8:30 am – I sent emails to 13 grass roots subscribers, with links, and password for the 5th site! ππβ¨πππͺππππππ§ββοΈπππ¨βπ¨π€πββοΈβπππ₯πΌππππ
2:54 am – 4:02 am 5th website is up. Pages, and updating is normal speed. I set up 5 new images there ( related to it’s theme). So, later in the day, or week, I will contact everyone who I gave info ( for all the other sites) , and update there, ie exodus, 3rd site ect.
April 30 – 9 am – 8:16pm- Set up pages of 5th site. But loading too slow. Troubleshooting. Upgrading the service for it. may improve over next couple days ( various steps: contact speed test; support)- Tomorrow, hopefully it will be ready. Not sure if it will be slow. Don’t want to spend my entire 2nd day off, frustrated with slow pages; might look at it, then draw rest of day, and post to current sites. [ Was hoping to get the 5th site up and running : even after doing optimizing suggestions: deleting unused themes; activating plugins, updating. The site, which has all the pages set up, loads so slow, that jetpack reported it as ‘intermittent ( unresponsive ; for 5 minutes) – which is about how long it took for each page to load. Not fun, wasting my whole day, with technical difficulties. At least this, and my other sites, seem to work normal. Not sure why the 5th one has a problem.
April 26 – 4:36 pm. I was so inspired by the digital colored background, and overall ambiance, of this remastered image, that I used the PSD file, and made a variant, using my mouse, in CSP, ( for over 4 and a half hours), to create a variation of the face.

April 24 – 10:14 am Thanks for supporting me, all this time. Here is the first digital coloring of an apocrypha piece.

April 6 – 10:07 am Updated Exodus. Added 3 images to March Monthly Gallery!. π*
*Until I get all my energy back from post covid ( going to keep posting as March Monthly Gallery: since there are so many drawings I did during the covid studio session ( Feb – Mar).

2022 March
Mar 20 – 6:27pm Add images to March Monthly Gallery!. π
6:02pm . Updating Exodus ( et al.) [ images and blog]

Mar 9 – 11:25 am I streamlined the Exodus Blog ( moving the entire contents to a separate page), so the pictures are easier to find. 3 of 4 sites updated. The 4th, needs some pages; privacy policy; home; menu links and blog update page, and menu, to organize
4:21 am Updated Exodus ( a 19 x 24″- with words ). 10:24am . I reuploaded the image, now it works ( to exodus). Contacted 12 grass roots viewers, about 3rd site ( password update). [ And uploading a commissioned piece- which I paid another artist to make, at exodus].
Mar 1 5:18 am Updated 1 new image to March Monthly Gallery!. π Updated Exodus.

2022 February
Feb 27 – 4:14pm Set up March Monthly Gallery!. π
3:51pm Organized website some: moved Sept to Monthly Archive of’Coming Soon’ Moved Oct to Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’. Moved Nov to Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’. Moved Dec to Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’,. Moved Jan to ‘Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’ 2022. I set the Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’ from 2021 below – and the 2022 as the default link at the top of this blog.
Monthly Archive of ‘Coming Soon’ .
Feb 24 – 12:12pm Got a lot of drawing done.
Feb 12 2022 6:01pm I updated Exodus word. Moved word to to February Monthly Gallery!
Feb 1 1:55pm scanned images, and resized, to post ( also posted to Exodus: 18 images ).
10:57 am Updated images to February Monthly Gallery!


Original Art

Prospectus: March – April
I.Commission Requests; II. Independent Artist; III. Reith then F & L; IV. Studio/ Email Schedule; V. Easel vs. Keyboard ( Pause/Resume); VI. RoadTrip Mar 20 2021. VII. Cel animations.
About “Coming Soon “ Blog-Feed:
I add items with links, and date. When it gets time consuming to scroll to the bottom of the page to ‘Edit’, I move Formerly “posted” Updates to:
Thanks for Your Interest and Kind Patronage!
Warmest Regards!
Stay Safe!
LuridMax Season3 main Menu; Serpyntera; Cygni Gremian; LM3 Live Feed.