Thurs Oct 24 2019
“Current Content: ” is the entrance for non-Clandestine Members ( moved from “Open World”, on main menu) – now it appears on the far left – as the first option.
“Current Content” is now password protected at the Privacy Policy ( It will not show up in a search, and you have to enter password after clicking on “Current Content” from Main menu. )
I have an idea, to post coming soon, like a bulletin board; where new projects, and related items, that aren’t finished yet, or planned for the next month or beyond, are added. Unlike a finished pack, such as a certain number of pages, or fixed format.
It is fitting, and raw, like the process; brainstorming, writing ideas down, looking up things, ordering things, typing drafts, revisiting drafts, redrawing, and devising improved, or tangential ideas. This is how I work, and the Coming soon, being something I can add my plans, with photos, thumbnail images, and references – will be something I can update as I have things to share*; without waiting for a weekly pack, duration or arbitrary format.
*rather than a mini-pack.
When I add things, I will write “Posted: item, date” – and include the updates, in the weekly Words . [ and move the “posted” log, to an archive, each month; inside the monthly link] So that finding the coming soon posts is straightforward and up to date;
Click here to see the latest Coming Soon!
Red Sonja
I figure most people who want to create their own version, would base it on whatever they knew – such as the most recent, modern Dynamite iteration – change a few elements, then give the character a different name, story and abilities.
The advantage for ‘fans’ who knew more about “Red Sonja” – they would be least likely to reinvent a former iteration. I feel the most thorough approach, would be to look through the history of the character, get the actual comicbooks from the different eras – including the key issues: first appearances; in solo titles; in new costumes, ect.
Being on the outside, a non-serious fan, there is a higher probability, that a recreation will be based on a shallow impression/understanding of the character ( such as Sam Raimi’s Spider Man – 3 film, which was accused of not really understanding the Venom character ), and the imitation/ derivative, even more lacking in the core components responsible for the character’s appeal.
Ie,.. Changing the size of the pants, rearranging the body armor, length of boots and shoes; changing the hairstyle, personality, muscle proportions could still appear to be an imitation of Red Sonja, with little difference in the character design.
After reading key issues ( digitally)- owning, and studying, perusing cover art, the sense of being on the outside, is gone. Red Sonja is not a vast unknown quantity to me. I don’t foresee any fan at a comic-con could talk about Red Sonja in a way that left me feeling a total novice. Having a sense of the character from origin to present. I see which elements of the character were appealing to the zeitgeist, and how that differed from the original 1st appearance.

Erydeth Part X of XIV
Berast stones Vs. Eronstone
If Berast stones are a pay phone, Eronstones are smartphones. However, Eronstones are like tracking devices for the Septendecim, anyone using the Eronstone, can be located, and monitored, and Immutables sent to intervene if they are used for more than conventional energy or self-defense. Thus Eronstones are in the weapons of the Immutables, but kept among the peaceful leaders of kingdoms, to generate power for the cities. Despots within Erydeth, immediately have their Eronstones confiscated, – thus they must rely on the less effective, and limited supply of Berast stones, to wage iniquity, oppression, and destructive war campaigns.
Unregulated Eronstones
Within the Vessels of the Erydesis – being a ship of Immutables; their are Eronstones which don’t have monitors. An informed Wikkoth, or Tzyens agent, would know the difference. These unregulated Eronstones, are a high prize, for anyone finding the jettisoned vessels, and gaining entry. The higher prize, being, the artifacts that fine-tune the Eronstones power for specific purposes. These Artifacts of the Immutables, are like power swords, power boots, hover board, teleportation device, ect,..
On Quarantine World Six, the interior area, is a giant bio-dome for humans and species that make up their ecosystem. The people refer to it as Erydeth; based on the discovery of the crashed Erydesis and ‘inferences’ as to what the remaining letters were and esoteric pronounciation.
Free Commissions!
– Thanks, for Sojourning with me to Season Two. All members who have subscribed consecutively, (you know who you are) have earned free commissions.
I have some in process, and am doing them on a large scale ( more studio time than usual commissions, )- out for appreciation for your interest and support!
You can email me your request, or any update ( if I haven’t completed it already, or contacted you) I work on them, with the goal of bringing them to the highest level I can. Including doing studies, if the subject matter ( character) is unfamiliar.
Currently I have slated to study manga, and anime styles, that are aesthetically ideal; with plenty of references chosen. When you give me your request, I begin thinking of how to approach it, and doing an exhaustive reference gathering ( as I practiced in college).
The process benefits all my future work, and options for original content. For example, by studying manga style faces, I have written stories, that involve that anime/ manga paradigm, and style. It will take time to develop to the highest level ( but the Japanese 6th scale models assist greatly in idealized bust/ figure proportions, and the dramatic foreshortening that is signature).
So expect your request, to be my beginning of a research phase, that leads to studies, and then integration into an informed original piece, as close to the spirit of your request as I can: rather than a quick, hack job, in my default style, minimized, and looking overall less quality than pieces that I conceived, and ultimately a forgettable commission, like so many you see on galleries. ( that do a disservice to the artist, and the commissioner; for the sake of an arbitrary or assumed time allotment. )
The fact that you’re here to read this, indicates I am explaining this to someone who already has demonstrated fine taste, high expectations for art, and an appreciation for process, and willingness to wait for and nurture quality hand-drawn art.?
I thank you so much, and look forward to sharing many new lurid artworks here during Season Two.