Words from the Creator
Weds Mar 4 – Excerpts from 1st email exchange (regarding a follow up, to ” Kiss of the Ax” / ” Sexecutioner. ”
Some exciting news from Art heroes that I made a commission request from. Did some good reference study on the easel finally ( getting back into top form).
And planning to visit a celebrity actress in person, will have great reference drawings for redrawing new character designs for the current projects! Lots of action, with the audio, and new projects. So great – thanks for making it possible; have a wonderful day!
Tues Mar 3 2020
12:03 am – Posted Feb 4 Gallery and Feb 4 Atelier
11:07 pm – I uploaded some images to Feb 3 Composition*
I posted the 5 weekly Apocrypha. Updated the Subscribe star page. Posted the 2nd Gig (Audio) of Voice Actress Eight. ( The grand Dame*d). Posted a 19 x 24″ ( to Rewards) [ this is the fullscan of a large illustration in progress.
* ( I had uploaded them last week, but after a Windows update, my internet had been freezing every hour or so; I thought the images were already posted though- just noticed they weren’t: so I posted them )
8 :36 pm – I drew the main parts of a 19 x 24″ scene*
* ( described in the most recent audio). After I eat dinner, I will try to post some images to Atelier/ Gallery for the current pack. Thanks so much, for your interest, and kind contributions: we’re so close to having games and animation ( with real voices, for all scenes) with original art ( based on quality references) in a genre with often minimal content.
I setup ZaydimarExecutioner on Kickstarter. Pending page approval.
I wrote a plan for 2 campaigns: 1. a) Pg-13 Zaydimar’s Quest ( Patreon)
b) SFW Scheherazade’s Paradigm ( also Patreon). In this one, other anmes are used, and the focus is a literal presentation ( in Visual novel/game/ comic form) of the classic tale:
2. a) A differently named campaign, following ‘a)’ but with explicit graphics ( gore, nudity, love scenes ect) b) also differently named, following ‘b)’, also the rating of ‘2a)’
This way, when I launch the Logo, the trailer (splicing what I purchased for broadcast rights) on adult forums, the voice actresses, won’t be associated directly to it by name. Ie, they know the script as Zaydimar’s Quest, Scheherzade’s Paradigm. By presenting their audio for the adult audience using different brands, ( it’s the art, being explicit, that separates the content, and just a handful of scenes), it won’t likely be a problem, to continue getting them to perform for my scripts; since they won’t be advertising on their sample pages, a brand that is controversial, and upsetting their other customers.
*d not her official name – easy to distinguish her, she is a mature woman, with a special voice. The rest are girls in their twenties.
Mon Mar 2 2020 I drew some logos for : Scheherazade’s Paradigm, – a banner concept for a Title, A Virago Mara logo. A First rough of Zaydimar in either an executioner outfit, or Battle costume. And an action character pose, and costume design in a Death’s Hook outfit. (11:30pm) I Plan to post the Feb 4, and Mar 1 over the course of the next week.
Recent Updates
Updates Mon Mar 2 2020,
Voice Actress 8: Script II. 300 wrds ( Broadcast rights) Audio ( ETA Mar 3 2:20am)
Voice Actress 8 Script 1. 200 wrds Audio ( full audio: Log line test /Zaydimar I)
Voice Actress Three: Script II. 1500 wrds Thermidor 2. Audio ( this is the longest audio, I’ve received to trim. Very dense, and splice able for many illustration/Visual novel animation sequences. )
Added 10 frames to the Animation Studio. ( These are just layouts, rough, drawn quickly in one sitting – it just takes time to scan, and upload)
ETA Mar 4 300 word gig, voice actress audio delivery. A follow up to the logline test. I put in several days, making the final 22 page Context screenplayish document, and a 5 page Vocal Directions only. I voice acted it for her, with pronounciations; to make it perfect for Broadcast rights. ( This is content that I can use for all the social media promotions, for years. In the future, I want to cast her as a lead character.)
Recorded segments on keyboard for soundtrack items. Really, exciting, how the pieces are coming together.
Also, I made an inquiry to Fastner And Larson, attaching an image* ( from *Coming Soon– posted on the website, Feb 3rd pack: and unlocked the April 2019 Gallery, – which used the old password ).
I might post the letter on the gallery, depending on their response. I thought it would be awesome, if they did a commission*, starting with a game over scene, featuring one of my original characters, in the location of the story.
Photos ( saves time) of large 19 x 24″ in progress that I wanted to share.
These generally take a week each, to fully render. Getting close to having all the related studies. Remaining are: some supporting cast. and background, foreground details. I want to pencil detail them thoroughly, before inking.
Once I have thoroughly studied items for aspects of the background – like banner logo, castle, costumes, supporting cast, expression, features; then I don’t mind ‘completing’ images at 19 x 24″ and detailing – inking and coloring.
I simply don’t want to spend 3 weeks on one piece, and have the end result, be less than the most I could think of. With a little more effort, I can have something that has more detail and meaning – and then I can feature those elements in more images. The difference between 40 disparate images: or illustrations from a comicbook world; the latter has been my goal.
Updated: Feb 23 2020. She just contacted me ( voice actress 4: The original actress I wrote ‘Zaydimar‘ for) – her voice is back. She is starting to get her strength back ( had sinus infection, then tonsillitis). I gave her some health advice (disclaimer – my opinion. I have a masters degree in a related field) , told her to relax, no pressure – whenever. I listened to her sample page again; really special voice. I wrote the Zaydimar script for her. But, Actress 5 seems to have really Defined that role. I’ll wait till Actress 4 does her read – which I’m sure is good. But, what I’ve already done, is design the story arc, so 8 women get to have similar experiences in the same situation ( as described in the recent log line test ). What might be most prudent is to give Actress 4 another character, that takes advantage of her sound. Because Actress 5 sounds perfect as Zaydimar – I can’t imagine Actress 5 playing any other part – and I already wrote 2 more scripts with her acting style in mind.
Honoring Legends
( wfc) – Artist Commentary:
Depicting Truth of Massacres by the Numbers
Putting images to accurate depict large Numbers: ie, French Revolution, Native American, Witchcraft, Feudal Medieval conquests, ect,..
Something like that. I recall, that produced alot of thought about money, morals, and the difference between fantasy, and real like wars and Indian( Native America ) / tribal massacres featured in social studies classes. The large numbers, seemed to under represent the enormity. I thought that the one caption, and painting, evoked more of a sense of amoral enormity – and that a couple of sentences, listing hundreds of indians’ massacred, didn’t do it justice.
People in school are often captive audiences, with short attention spans. It’s really not adequate to give a sense of what was done, by the conquerors, to the conquered natives, in order to colonize their lands. Nor the consequences of revolutions; 40,000 guillotined is an incomprehensible number; a dozen etchings of scenes conveys more, than a 5 digit number, for some who visualize, more than quantify by data.
Story Telling
Writer’s Commentary:
S’Kerrah’s Subterfuge/
Sleight of Heel.
Script I.
– as read by Actress Nine ( on Feb 22 2020)
This is the most risque dialogue I have gotten cast. But this actress samples show she is a professional and creative, and enjoys acting in bizarre roles: a true craftsman, and gifted actress. She is up to any challenge, followed the script to the letter: and did multiple takes. The borderline loli voice is her ‘style’, this is the closest to a dramatic mature voice I’ve heard on her samples. So now, with her collaborration, S’kerrah can take on another dimension; as this sort of edgy, bad-ass, who teases men, and isn’t afraid of anybody, and does all sorts of impersonations. ( I have three other actress in mind, who also have a dynamic acting style, I will eventually test- now that the script is written ( published), and has been read ( produced), it will be more straight forward to provide it as a template for other actresses to follow.
Reproductions, of these core legends ( Legendary Art Masters), will be featured in Lurid Max. I view Lurid Max as the ambassador, of nostalgic Lurid Pre- code horror. The gate way to nostalgia, with a message, that it doesn’t have to be guro/dolcett or nothing. There was fumetti, long before these were even born. There was pre code horror, before their parents was born. This has been around, and appreciated by viewers, whether anonymously in the times of censorship, and openly in the times of renaissance.
Lots of action, with the audio, and new projects. So great – thanks for making it possible; have a wonderful week!